Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I LOVE Heavy Traffic!!

On Sunday I added a Feedjit live traffic feed box to my blog – which shows where DavidDust readers are coming from and going to. If people find the blog as a result of a Google search, Feedjit will tell me what they were searching for. It also tells me where my readers are physically located. I have been fascinated by it.

You can click on the “real-time” option, and watch the Dust Bunnies coming and going as it happens. I have found out some interesting things:

Today, between 11:00 am and 11:30 am, I had visitors from Sweden, Cyprus, Venezuela, Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Finland, Puerto Rico, Luxembourg, and the U.S. That was just in 30 minutes! Who are all you people? Talk to me!!

It is also interesting to see what Google/Google Image searches will get you to DavidDust. Some of the more popular: “Carlos Leon”, “Beach Hotties”, “Matt Locke gay”, “Cristiano Ronaldo”, “Nick Markakis”, “Zeb Atlas”, and any combination of “Mikey V”, “Gay Porn” and “Rope Rituals”. Also, I found out if you Google “Grab and Growl”; this post is the top result.

And there is someone in Russia who’s a BIG fan of DavidDust favorite Franky G. :)

I really didn’t realize this site got so much traffic. If you get a chance sometime, click on the “real time” option on the Feedjit box and watch the coming and goings. It’s almost like people-watching – without the people.


mikeinbama said...

I was checking it out last night. It's pretty cool.

Angel said...

how cool is that? You are IT David! it's about time the rest of the world got with the program...


Unknown said...

When David Dust talks, the whole world listens. And who can blame them?

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

Great. Just what I needed; another way to not get any work done.

It is so addictive. It's like eye-crack (I can't believe I wrote that).

David Dust said...

Sailor - TOTAL "eye-crack"! That is a perfect description.

I just keep watching it thinking "who in the hell are all these people". Although every once in a while I can tell who someone is by their location.


Unknown said...

Damn, since you and Sailor talked about it, I started watching, and can't stop. Good Lord, you will make me lose my job yet! LOL

Mistress Maddie said...

You should have installed one of these suckers on your bedroom door girl.Could you imagine the number of all the papis that have been served?

Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny said...

Good news!! I googled "hot tranny mess" and David Dust was NOT at the top of the list. Mama Bunny is proud.


Joy said...

Love it! I put one on my blog! Now I'll have to join the support group with the rest of you.

(I went to the gym today)

Love you - Love your Mama!


Anonymous said...

lolll, I like mama bunny!

David, welcome to feedjit! I monitor as well. It lets me know which members of my "In Crowd" bring the most traffic to my site.

In turn, I ping the sites that draw the most traffic to my site. This week you drew a lot of people to my site so I pinged you again on my latest post.

Renee said...

LOL Mama Bunny!
It freaks me out to see my city and state when I arrive on your blog. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I never receive many comments and figured I was boring to others, until I realized that I got lots of phone calls and email instead. So if anyone feels left out- don't. DustDaddy may be right..there are more people watching than we imagine and people we know but are shy about the public commenting.
It's supposed to be a medium of expression for ourselves anyway, right? It's just fun to find "like" thinkers.

Anonymous said...

I am hooked on Feedjit now! It is fascinating for all the reasona you mentioned!

Timmy said...

The live feed is fascinating. I *heart* it!

William said...

i JUST read this post of yours & added it to my profile. it's an evil drug, but i love it. thank you for opening my eyes to the intruige that is feedjit.

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