I had a LONG blog post written about how depressed I've been, and my resulting destructive behavior with food. And the fact that I am now heavier than I've ever been in my life. And my aching feet, self-loathing, blah, blah, blah...
But I'm not going to post it. The reason why I started writing that post in the first place was to tell everyone that I joined Weight Watchers today. For me, this is a big deal.

When I lost 90 pounds a few years ago, I did it by following the Atkins (low carb) diet. But Atkins is not working for me any more. The limited food choices are too restrictive for me now. And I've been crippled by the fact that if you 'cheat' on Atkins, you've pretty much screwed the pooch for the day. This means that if I had ONE onion ring I ended up thinking "Fuck it - I've already screwed up. Might as well enjoy it!". Then I'd eat a whole bowl of onion rings, followed my a bunch of other horrible crap. I know it's stupid, but it's my Crazy and at least I own it.
Anywhoo, I decided to try something else - so I joined the Weight Watchers online program. I am NOT a meeting person - there is no way I would go to a meeting and be weighed and discuss food. Maybe in the future, but not now. Again - this is MY Crazy. But the online option seemed perfect for me.
I have tried WW before. Actually, back in the day I got my hands on a coworker's books (point guide, etc) and I lost a little weight. But the logs and journals and trying to figure out point values and writing everything down eventually turned me off.
The online program, however, figures everything out for you. It helps you set goals, and has a huge database of point values for various foods. Even restaurant items have been figured out (LORD there are a lot points in a meal at Arby's!) You basically type in what you ate, and the computer tells you how many points you used and how many points you have left.
Weight Watchers is also the only weight loss plan that I've ever known people to lose weight and actually keep it off for years and years. So I'm giving it a shot. I'll keep you posted...
One last thing - at lunchtime I went out to find something to eat, and I was SO EXCITED to be able to buy a pear at the fruit stand. This was not something I could eat under Atkins. It was the best friggin' pear I've ever eaten.
OMG congrats!!! That is such a huge and positive step. You are my hero!!!
I am a fan of the cult... In fact, I just did some more for them. Granted I have been on a nonstop binge of eating for weeks now, but I am logging each and every point on my etools...
The online thing really, really worked for me. Which is why today I was able to buy a size four dress instead of an 18W...
Let me know if I can help you in anyway- I know a lot of tricks as I have been with the cult for years now...
Much much love
Zombie -
I have to say - I was thinking about you when I did this. YOU, my darling, are MY hero!
Good luck tootes! Just go one day at a time,and don't look to far ahead. You WILL do it. You have before. I 'm wishing you all the luck!
You are inspiring! I've gained more than a few lbs. in the past year and I'm over it. My fat pants are tight and I refuse to buy new larger ones. It's not good.
I'm going to check out the WW for men site. I'm so with you on the meetings. No f-ing way. Although, if the guy from the website is going to be there . . .
That is EXCELLENT news. I'm proud of you and excited for you as you embark on this journey. I have people close to me who have been WW successes and the thing I keep hearing is how the plan is easy to follow, that it's not necessarily a diet but a change of eating habits. Congratuations. I look forward to hearing about your success!!
Lookin forward to seeing you on White Meat Monday soon!!! Best wishes from Houston. xoxo
I am happy that you have found something that you're comfortable with, and I'm proud of you, too. I know people who have done Weight Watchers had have had success, so it's really cool that they've simplified the system after all these years.
This is really extra cool because you're doing it for you. I can't commit myself to any diet, so anyone who can do these things rank highly in my book. Good luck!
CONGRATULATIONS BABY!!! i am so happy for you.
i am totes w/ you on so many levels (no meetings, the 'aw fuck it' approach to cheating, etc). i am glad you are doing something for you to make yourself feel good. it's totally not a baby step, either, which i am in awe of you over.
i have recently taken up walking and am proud when i get a 30-45 min walk in the morning, tho i am nowhere near brave enough to try a "diet" (i think eating plan is a more appropriate term for WW) or anything yet, so mucho kudos from ATL. i can't wait to hear about your progress... you doing healthy things will help me to do healthy things too, so yey!
Good for you David!
My best friend joined WW 16 months ago and has lost 87 lbs! She feels great and I am amazed at what she can still eat!
Very impressive. I too yo-yo with my weight (especially after the kiddies) and I know that with Atkins (and South Beach) there are just certain things I cannot give up. I write everything down now (similar to WW) and I think that helps. I just have to get off my ass and exercise (not watch TV). Kudos to you and keep me posted on how things are going. I have a pair of True Religion jeans that are just begging for me to fit back into them. Hows that for motivation?
One of the guys with whom I work is in the online program. He's been dropping pounds like crazy. He highly recommends it.
YAY! Is it selfish to be happy we're in this together? I can't think of anyone I'd rather do it with. Wait...that sounded wrong!
I am SO PROUD of you!!! I can't tell you how much better I feel after sticking to my diet for almost a week. It gets easier when you start noticing a difference. I can walk around the lake now without getting winded. I've been back to the gym doing cardio and weights.
You can do this! I had to be drastic at the beginning to get my numbers down and not have a heart attack since that's how I was feeling (and maybe with reason). I'm sticking to it and might move over to WW later on. I did that ages ago and lost weight and kept it off for a very long time (decades).
We will be biggest losers, too! Way to go!! Proud of you Zombie Mom! How about a post here every week for us to compare notes and encourage each other. It helps to be accountable to someone. What do you think? Fridays?
I wish you well with this. About 4-5 years ago I joined a gym, followed the Body for Life program, and lost 50 pounds. I never did lose the last 15 I wanted to lose. Then I broke up with my bf and it all went to hell. I now weigh heavier than ever. So I applaud you in making the step. Because it's always the hardest. HUGS
Best of luck D -- you can do it!
Good For You! I'm here to support you in any way possible! Losing weight is about you and no one else.
Good for you! I know you can do it. You have my support. :-)
Yeah!!! My sister Maggie LeMay has lost 50+ pounds since January via WW... I don't have as much material on her now (and neither does she in her outfits!). Her favorite "trick" is turn her points into pints when we go out drinking!
Yay - that's great! I had lost a bit of weight on WW before I got married (and have since let it all go to hell). My brother is a firm believer of Atkins though and it's worked for him for years now. He lets his weight go up, then in a month or so he's down 25 lbs. Didn't work for me though.
Unfortunately, what seems to work best for me is starvation and frantic exercise. In the early 90s I lost 60 lbs eating 700 calories a day and country line dancing 3 nights a week and doing aerobics for the other 4 nights. I looked great, but as soon as I started eating again, I gained it all back.
I hate that I love to eat so much.
I agree with you about Adkins. I just can NOT eat that much meat. I've had success with WW and feel its is a much healthier way to go.
Good luck, Darling David!!!
Mark :-)
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