Papi Shank, 27, is a "rapper, singer, songwriter, lyricist, producer and model" from NYC. He is also fond of giving the "You're Number One!" signal - but with his MIDDLE finger. Check out Papi's MySpace page HERE.

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I know you're thinking I'm creamin here....but...I'm not. It's the wierd thing with his beard....no likey.
but the smooth chest is kinda nice....but the beard....eeewwww.
I agree with both Beth and mechadude. The finger is awesome--he does that really well. But I think the beard could be toned down a bit.
Not that I'd say no, of course. If the opportunity presented itself, who gives a rat's ass what the goddamn beard looks like . . .
I think he's about as fine as they come, I love the beard 2.
He fantastic everything about him is so dam HOT and SEXY.
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