Monday, March 2, 2009

The Fabulous Universe Of Keith Haring

Over the weekend I watched an excellent documentary about artist Keith Haring (above) on Logo called The Universe of Keith Haring. I recommend it highly.

I am not very knowledgeable about art, but one artist I admire greatly is the late Keith Haring. Like me, he was born and raised in small-town Pennsylvania but decided to move to New York City and make a new life for himself.

And what a fabulous life it was. Keith started doing chalk drawings of his "Radiant Baby" in the subway during the early 1980's, and people began noticing his work. By the mid-80's, he was hanging with Madonna (with Keith, below) and Andy Warhol and selling his paintings for thousands of dollars each. Reading about Keith was one of the things that made me want to move to NYC myself.

Also like me, Keith was attracted to Latino men, and he had at least two boyfriends named "Juan" (below is Keith with boyfriend Juan Rivera). In the documentary, photographer David LaChapelle revealed that Keith once tried really hard to get to know David's Papi boyfriend one night at a club, while completely ignoring David. Trust me, us Pennsylvania bitches DO NOT PLAY when it comes to the pursuit of Latino Men - which LaChappelle found out.

Before I lived here, when I would visit New York I would always stop at Keith's "Pop Shop" (below). The Pop Shop sold t-shirts and other merchandise featuring Keith's bold graphics (it closed in 2005) - and I ended up buying a couple of t-shirts. In fact, I wore my Keith Haring tee at Penn State as a very subtle way of saying "I'm gay" to anyone who may have recognized Keith's work. It was like my personal version of the 1970's gay hanky/bandana codes. I was still mostly in the closet, and the majority of Penn State's straight population had no idea who Keith Haring was - so it was a great way to attract attention, without attracting the wrong kind of (homophobic) attention.

Sadly, Keith died of AIDS in 1990 - before I moved to New York. I would have loved to have seen him just once - at a club or on the street - but I got here too late. But one of the cool things about Haring's work is how public and permanent much of it is. In fact - the public restroom at New York's Gay and Lesbian Center was painted by Haring in the 1980's - and the mural still remains today. I am proud to say I have peed in the Keith Haring bathroom!

If you get the chance, watch The Universe of Keith Haring - it is an excellent documentary about an extremely talented man.


Bob said...

I love his work, too.
It's so simple, but says so much.
And to pee in the Haring John!
That's cool! ;)


Anonymous said...

The two-hour doc on LOGO was fabulous. Keith must have been a complicated man - genius has that affect. I didn't realize how prolific he was. WOW!

Chris (Topher) said...

Keith Haring is my favorite artist. He's also the cousin of a U.S. History teacher at my school. I wish that I could of met him some day.

Anonymous said...

I like Keith Haring

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for the heads up! I love his work and have since I was in high school. Of course, back then, I had no idea of it's significance, but the simplicity and modern feel attracted me. I'll be looking for this on DVD.

Mistress Maddie said...

I have always loved his work. As a matter of fact when one of the exhibits came to Philly years ago,I got a book on his work. Very nice post girl!


Eric Arvin said...

Great documentary about a very interesting life.

JNez said...

i enjoy keith haring's art as well. didn't know he loved latin boys as much as i do though. good for him. i'm gonna have to check out that documentary for sure now.

Joy said...

Something about that part about your wearing the t-shirt to send a signal made me want to hug you. I enjoyed learning about this artist.


MCWolfe said...

You know, I love the snark but this post tells me you're a writer first and foremost. What a wonderful piece that says something about a great artist but also gives us a glimpse of you as a person. I'm with Joy, the part about the t-shirt really touched my heart.

Lots of love,

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