Friday, March 13, 2009

NYC Celebrity Street Sightings

I am often lucky enough to spot celebrities here on the streets of NYC, and many times I blog about it. In fact, my "Celebrity Sighting" posts this week prompted a little discussion as to why I don't speak to these famous people when I see them.

First of all, as I've said before - I'm a big wuss. Unlike my blog persona, in real life I am actually quite shy and reserved around strangers. But the main reason I don't speak to street-walking celebrities is because real New Yorkers NEVER make a fuss over famous people on the street. We leave that to the tourists. Besides, a real New Yorker thinks he or she is just as important as Tara Reid or Rodney Allen Rippy.

Below are just a few celebs I've spotted during my 16+ years in NYC. BTW - all pictures were obtained via Google - I did NOT take any of them.

Project Runway's Tim Gunn in the Garment District. He looked absolutely adorable...

Cute and hilarious papi John Leguizamo - with his wife at my local A&P supermarket. John's stank wife was loudly complaining to the cashier about whether a box of pasta was on sale or not. John kept telling her to forget about, but she wouldn't let it go and he looked absolutely humiliated...

Paul McCartney and his then-wife Heather Mills walking on 57th Street in Midtown. It was pretty cool to get a glimpse of one of the world's biggest stars - live and in person. And seeing Paul McCartney was neat too...

Country music stars Faith Hill and Tim McGraw with their kids on Central Park South. Tim McGraw is HOT...

Good Morning America's Sam Champion, holding hands on 8th Avenue with his (rumored) boyfriend Sean Bell (below left). Quite the handsome couple...

I've seen Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker multiple times near my job in the Village - which is where they live.

But by far the most important "celeb" I ever saw was the late John F. Kennedy, Jr. And I was fortunate enough to see him TWICE.

The first time I saw JFK Jr., he rode his bike onto the sidewalk directly in front of me. He was wearing a business suit and was probably on his way to/from the offices of his magazine - George. I had walked out of my office building and all of a sudden JFK was about six feet in front of me. I froze and without thinking I uttered these words - LOUDLY:

"OH MY GOD! It's JFK Junior!" So much for being a cool New Yorker and not making a fuss. Jackie O's baby boy definitely heard me - because he looked up, smiled, and kept on biking...

The second time I saw Junior, he was rollerblading - SHIRTLESS - on 8th Avenue. "Beautiful" doesn't begin to describe how incredibly handsome he was...

One of these days I'll share some stories of the celebrities I encountered through my former Events Management jobs at the Hard Rock Cafe and (the now defunct) Motown Cafe.


SailorAlphaCentauri said...

I didn't know the Motown Cafe was no more! That's where my Model U.N. group had our last dinner in NYC. I still have the pictures of the three of us girls posing in front of the Supremes statues.

Anonymous said...

"OH MY GOD! It's JFK Junior!"

David, I would've done the same thing, and then discreetly checked out his buns AND the brand of bike he was riding!

I understand the shy thing, and the 'NYC-ers are fabulous in their own right' attitude. I do not possess that but my sister does. She sat less than 4 feet away from Cindy Crawford once and just kept on studying for her history final. I, on the other hand, would've been all 'Linda Evangelista is a total bitch, isn't she?'

John Leguizamo - that must have been a sight. I loved Mambo Mouth.

I think Tim has mastered the art of looking both adorable AND keeping his suits immaculate. It's amazing.

Beth said...

It's fun to read about your celeb sightings! We can live vicariously!

I remember I actually cried when JFK,Jr's plane went down. Not because I had a big ol' crush on him or anything, but it just seemed like such a tragic loss. So incredibly handsome, so young, with such a bright future ahead of him. Who knows what might have been? It still makes me sad.

mikeinbama said...

I would love to be in your position but I would be the same way and not speak to them.

Anonymous said...

I think I might have proposed had I ever seen JFK Jr. I'm a sucker for a smart, sexy man.

I get where you're coming from with the celeb thing. Though for me, it's more about not wanting to be a pest.

You're adorable, and frankly, anyone would be lucky to meet you.

David Dust said...

Sailor -

I remember booking that group!!!

That is too funny...


Dan said...

Lasy year in Aspen I was waiting for the lift tickets and looked over and Ringo Star and Brbara Bach were standing beside me in line. I tried not to stare, we acknowledged each other and called it a day.

I actually told JFK Jr to get the hell out of my way once. They used to own the Merchandise Mart and were always here. I of course didnt know it was him until after the fact.

I would tackle Tim McGraw in a heart beat!

Wonder Man said...

I've seen a few in NYC too, but I see too many stars in L.A.

Ian said...

Now David, you didn't have to go there with Rodney Allen Rippy. These here young folk don't know who he is! LOL.

As somebody who's met a few celebs in my day, I must say, I never meet the ones I really NEED to... like CNN's T.J. Holmes, Will Smith, or some other sexy and fine specimen of male hotness!

Still I'll concede living in NYC must have it's benefits...after all you saw country music's first couple! Tim and Faith both, my heart swoons for them, and I don't even like country music like that. Ha!

Unknown said...

It's all a matter of perception. Several members of my family were thrilled I met David Dust, celebrity blogger and just wanted to see the picture!

David Dust said...

Dearest Howard -

And this "Celebrity Blogger" (oh, puhlease!) was even more thrilled to meet his biggest "fan"!!

BTW - aren't you going to be here soon.


Joy said...

Nashville is good about not bothering celebrities here, too. The country music stars and others who come here to record are left alone or treated like regular people.

My friend Tina used to teach at a private school where the children of Faith Hill & Tim McGraw, Amy Grant, Vince Gill, Matina McBride, and some others went. People see them and Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban, and no one bothers them. No paparazzi either.

My daughter-in-law saw Steven Tyler and the rest of Aerosmith at a vegan restaurant where she worked for a while. He played with her hair. I haven't seen that many celebrities - just Sarah Cannon (Minnie Pearl), Chet Atkins, Garrison Keillor, Bob Dylan, Groucho Marx buying cigars at the Plaza in NYC, and probably others I didn't know because of not keeping up with country music. Well, Tanya Tucker and Glen Campbell in the grocery store back when - almost forgot.

So that's OK that you don't speak or acknowledge them. I'm not really cool and do look at them but don't want to bother them either.

I'm still incredibly sad about JFK,Jr.'s death, too. Such a loss. I'm glad his mother wasn't alive when that happened. I admire Caroline and wish he were still around, too.

Mark in DE said...

I suppose you're right; only the tourists talk to celebrities on the streets of NYC. I don't think I could stop myself though!

Joy said...

WM, I would be craning my neck all over the place in LA. I guess you get used to it.

Anonymous said...

I would have fainted if I had seen John-John without a shirt. What a gorgeous man. Were his legs really sexy?

theminx said...

I really can't remember seeing random celebs on the streets of NY. Besides you, of course. :)


David Dust said...

Minx -

It wasn't on the street, but we DID sit close enough to Kenley that we could have shot spitballs at her!!


BTW - I think you got it reversed - I am just an insignificant member of your considerable NYC entourage!


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