Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I KNEW Speedle Was a Good Guy!

In my DVR-less world, I've had to choose between Heroes and 24 this season (they both air on Monday's at 9:00 PM) - and I've chosen to watch 24. Heroes has lost its magic for me - and I can never get enough of Jack Bauer kicking ASS.

I was so thrilled to find out that Carlos Bernard (below) was back on 24 this season, playing Tony Almeida. At first it seemed that Tony was working for the terrorists - but Tony Almeida could never be a bad guy, and we soon saw his true (good guy) colors.

I was also happy to see former CSI: Miami actor Rory Cochrane (below) this season on 24 - although he too was initially playing on Team Terror. I loved Cochrane when he played Tim Speedle on CSI: Miami - he was snarky, unkempt, and a little nerdy - but somehow it worked. I cried my eyes out when "Speed" died.

So I was extra-super-duper excited to see Rory's character embrace the good guys and team up with Almeida on 24 last night. Tim Speedle would never let me down...

UPDATE: I didn't get to see the ending of the show last night, and now I'm hearing that Cochrane's character is still a bad guy! Is this true?? Damn that 24, with its' plot twists!!


Anonymous said...

No! I can't get hooked on any more tv shows! Quit tempting me!

Beth said...

We don't have a DVR, either! It's nice that a lot of networks are now putting entire episode on the Web, so if you miss one that you HAVE to see, you can go there. There are a lot on Hulu.com.

Hugs, Beth

Renee said...

I agree with you about Heroes. I'm just not into the show anymore.

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