Sunday, March 8, 2009

Whatever, Martha!

I watched one of the most hysterical television shows yesterday - and the star of this show was actually Martha Stewart.

More specifically, the show, called Whatever, Martha!, is based entirely on MAKING FUN of Martha Stewart. And believe it or not, it was created by Martha and is hosted by Martha's daughter Alexis.

Here is the deal. Remember the old show Mystery Science Theater 3000, where the host (and his 2 robot co-hosts) watched an old B-movie and talked shit about the movie for our enjoyment? Martha got the idea for Whatever, Martha! a couple of years ago while watching reruns of MST3K.

Each Whatever, Martha! episode features two old Martha Stewart Living segments. During each, Alexis and Jennifer talk smack during the segment - especially skewering Martha herself. "No shit, Sherlock!" Alexis exclaims as Martha makes an obvious point. "She's doing math now, that's when I stop listening" Alexis says later. The younger Stewart even talks about her need for "Therapists" (plural) as a result of her mother's upbringing. And they REALLY talk smack about Martha's hair and wardrobe.

I guess the ONLY people who could get away with this are the two hosts of Whatever, Martha! - Alexis Stewart (Martha's daughter), and Jennifer Koppelman Hutt (daughter of Martha Stewart Omnimedia Chairman Charles Koppelman). Let me tell you, these two bitches are FUNNY, and they don't hold back. Although the fact that Martha never actually appears in the studio with them probably makes it a little safer.

Martha isn't the only one who is lampooned. I laughed hysterically during the segment where Martha interviewed a gentleman who collected twine. Yes, as in STRING. Jennifer spent the entire segment dissing Mr. Twine, while Alexis seemed to empathize with him. I was just happy for the commercials so I could catch my breath from laughing so hard...

As much as they ridicule Martha (Alexis usually refers to her mother as "Martha" - which I'm sure she has discussed with her plural therapists), the show doesn't in any way come across as mean-spirited. It becomes very obvious that Alexis really does love her Mom, but recognizes that her mother offers MANY comedic opportunities. And Jennifer is the perfect sidekick - and is just as funny as her friend Alexis. The two of them seem like two beeyotches you'd want to go get drunk with.

The half-hour show airs on the Fine Living channel - so if you have Fine Living, you MUST watch Whatever, Martha!


Anonymous said...

This show is hysterical. I love it when the ladies try and follow along with the craft segements! Way too funny!

My favorite comment is from a show where Martha was talking about exercise: "Martha doesn't sweat - she has someone glisten for her."

JenM said...

You are right, this is one of the most hysterical shows on TV. I love Martha but I LOVE Alexis and Jennifer talking about her even more.

Make sure you catch the one about loading the dishwasher....

The episode where she made "manure tea" also comes to mind.....

And the Exercise on where Martha is laying on a yoga mat an her cat is on her can only imagine what they said (I won't spoil it because you have to watch AND listen). I watched that segment SOOOO many times and nearly peed myself.

My advice, TIVO/DVR every episode!

kayce. said...

why do all the GOOD shows have to come on goddamned digital? curse you, comcast! i hope i can find this one online, LOL... sounds amazing.

Beth said...

I had read about this show, but had no idea it used the MST3K (which I loved) format. I don't know if I get Fine Living or not, but I'll check into it--this sounds right up my alley!

Sam said...

I've been listening to "Whatever" on Martha's Sirius Channel for a couple of years, glad to see they changed it up and put it on t.v. It was very funny on satellite radio.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Rebecca's right- the craft segments are hilarious! They always end up with a f'd up mess!

Joy said...

Oh, I hope I get that! I checked and couldn't find it but will look more closely. It's not on Comcast? Crap!! That sounds so funny!

I used to love Mystery Science Theater! Glad you mentioned it.

Joy said...

Yea!!! I found it! We do have it! I will watch it now.

Anonymous said...

This show makes me laugh so hard that tears run down my face. It's a gem.

Mark in DE said...

I've never watched this show, and am rather surprised to hear from you that it is actually watchable!

Kwana said...

I'm late catching up on my David fix. I don't have Fine living but saw a clip in their site. I love them. I listen to them on my satellite radio and crack up!

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