Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Best Couple

The students of Mott Haven Village Preparatory (Public) High School in the Bronx have cast their vote – and made history.

For the first time at their school (and perhaps in all of the Bronx), a same sex couple, Victoria Cruz & her girlfriend Deoine Scott, were voted “Best Couple” by an overwhelming majority of students.

This story made me feel all warm and fuzzy ...


SailorAlphaCentauri said...

They deserve a huge round of applause for that! It shows how much things have changed. We've got a ways to go, still, but this is a very good sign.

Benj said...

I think that's great, especially given the challenges that many in Mott Haven have faced. I'm not sure how MH is now (if it's been "gentrified", cleaned up, etc.), but sections of MH (such as St. Ann and Beekman) were quite... rough, with gangs, rampant poverty and disease that comes with areas that often cannot afford the bare essentials to maintain a healthy life. If you get a chance, read Jonathan Kozol's 'Amazing Grace' - a fantastic read, and from what I've heard from a colleague that grew up 2 blocks from St. Ann & Brooks Ave.

The way I see it, if people that live in harsh conditions can overcome bigotry and join together in acceptance, why the ___ can't the rest of America get their heads outta their butts?

Way to go, girls!

Mark in DE said...

I love it!!

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