Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dust Bunny Correspondence

Yesterday I got two cards from two dear friends - Mark In DE and Zombie Mom! Mark sent me the lovely rainbow card on the left (he got a pack of them at the DOLLAR STORE - I'm jealous!), and Zombie sent me the totally cute card on the right.

The cards were even better when I opened them. Mark and Spouse had recently made a trip to Arby's, and they got me AN ARBY'S GIFT CARD!! And Zombie's card turned into a nifty pair of 3-D GLASSES!!!

I was recently on a 3-D website, and was PISSED I didn't have the appropriate eye wear. And now, thanks to the Zombie Family, I have the cutest 3-D glasses EVAH!

And here is a promise about Arby's. I am trying to get back on the diet wagon, so I vow to save my Arby's card until September. I hope to take another camping trip with Maddie and the Boy Toy then, and our driver (Boy Toy), is usually nice enough to stop at every Arby's along the way. So, I will try to save my gift card until then.

Thanks so much for the cards guys, I really appreciate it. As the Empress of the Dust Bunnies always says - Blog Friends are TRUE friends indeed. XOXOXOXOXO


Angel said...

what agreat mail day! and Blog friends ARE the best friends!!

You keep going with your die....You can do this!!!!

I love ya!

Anonymous said...

Neat, David, Tell us more about 3D sites on internet, please. Never heard of this.

Joy said...

How sweet of them!

Mark in DE said...

Blog friends are TRUE friends, even though we haven't met some of them in person yet. I'm glad I've met you!


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