Thursday, July 16, 2009

On The Streets of NYC...

OMG - I walked behind this guy for blocks and blocks on my way home from work tonight. I actually almost missed the Dollar Store while I tried to take these pics of him.

You should all be proud of me - these were the first (blurry) pictures I've ever taken with a cell phone. And after MUCH trial and error, I figured out how to download them to my computer. When it comes to technology, I have to take baby steps...


Mistress Maddie said...

Mame, that must have been good if you almost missed the dollar store!

Romance said...

You know how I feel about the dollar store- holy 163 - but he was well worth the effort and the risk of missing the dolla' store. Sista' you need to come out here and let me take you dollar store shoppin....

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

you know whom i've seen in the last few weeks in the streets?

roman ragazzi, mario ortiz and quentin elias. mario looks terrible, roman and quentin look really puffy. i guess nobody stays the same forever.

behrmark said...

What fantastic tat! Grrrrr!

Anonymous said...

Stalker!! :)

Joy said...

I went to two Dollar Stores today and never say anyone like that!

Wonder Man said...

he's cute

mark said...


Derek Nicoletto said...

"I almost missed the dollar store." Classic.

Angel said...

OMG!!!! DON'T MISS THE $$$$ STORE!!! But this one was worth the effort Tranny...I just love your stalking photos! ;)

Mark in DE said...

A hot muscle guy or the Dollar Store... that IS a dilema!!

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