Friday, July 24, 2009

Reality TV Roundup

Lots and lots going on the the "Reality" Television department...

First of all, a Project Runway All Stars special two-hour episode will air before the season premiere of Project Runway Season 6 on Lifetime (Aug. 20th). For more information, go HERE.

I have to agree with my friend MikeInBama - Russell Kairouz (above) from Big Brother 11 is HOT (especially with his new Leatherman mustache). Although I thought Russell was being a little too "Schoolyard Bully" with Ronnie last night.

I have featured Daniel Miagany (above) BEFORE on my blog - because he is just so gorgeous. Last night I found out he is also openly gay and appeared on Brooke Knows Best (he is/was dating Brooke Hogan's Main Gay). You can follow Daniel on Twitter HERE - that's how I found out about his television appearance.

The Finale of The Fashion NO was probably the most boring Finale in the history of reality television. Congratulations to Anna, but I really hope Bravo doesn't bring back this sad show. BTW, Haven declared that "those blogs are bullshit" last night. This coming from a Ho who couldn't even make it to the finals of THE FASHION SHOW!!!

And, finally, I was really sad to see cutie-pie Jason (above) go home on So You Think You Can Dance last night :( The term "puppy-dog" eyes was made for that boy.

What did YOU watch last night?...


Lee from NC said...

Completely agree on Russell. I also like Jessie, though I know everyone else hates him. Who cares. It's not the personality I'm interested in. ;)

Tom A. said...

Love SYTYCD. Great show last night. By far the best reality show on broadcast TV!

Those people have real talent!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the new Project Runway. It's been way too long!

I've never watched Big Brother but I'm seeing photos of this hunk everywhere. I might have to start tuning in!

The Fashion Show ending was okay. The suspense of PR was never achieved. If they do bring it back, hopefully it will be fine tuned a bit!

the dogs' mother said...

Haven said 'those blogs are bullshit!'?
I didn't catch that. But, yeah, it was flat and sort of boring. They should have plied those folks with alcohol!

mrs.missalaineus said...

david i want to hire you to do recaps of my job....have your people call my people. i can imagine giving you a dossier of my class for next year and you making predictions as to which kid will do what.


Unknown said...

After watching the Fashion No finale last night, I can't believe how badly it is produced. I wanted to like it, but never could. God, I hope they let it go away.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Reality TV is sooooo boring & I was TeeVee deprived for 3 months.
Have fallen asleep watching BB, CM and Fashion NO....just cannot keep my interest, but they seem to work as well as a "sleeping aid". Looking forward to PR & TC and some people getting rambunctious!!! If not for your blog and recaps, there would have been no joy in these shows this season.
So, once again...many thanks for the laughs....XOXOXOXO
LB Anon & a Hi to Mom and a Hug for Oscar

Dan said...

Girl - you know what I have said about Russell and Jessie, volume down. Pretty to look at.... Me thinks he went overboard last night and it will backfire. He it so completely a school bully.

I was glad that the Fashion No is over. Even my encounter with Fern couldnt keep me that attached. There were a few good barbs last night but pretty much a snooxe fest.

Looks like you and I watched the same thing!

Kailyn said...

The Fashion No, Big Brother, SYTYCD, and She's Got the Look were my reality viewing for last night. Love the last because how can you go wrong with Kim Alexis and Beverly Johnson? Also SYTYCD made me cry this week.

mikeinbama said...

Russell haved his mustache last night but he's still HOT!

Jimmy said...

I hope Bravo doesn't BUY any more of TFS.

Joy said...

TFS is hanging by a thread, and it ain't no Project Runway!

I was glad Anna won.

I'm so ready for PR and look forward to seeing Chris March again!

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