Monday, January 11, 2010

And That's How Jane "C's" It...

On Glee, openly gay Jane Lynch plays Sue Sylvester - who always 'calls it as she "C's" it'.  Like her character, Jane Lynch doesn't have any problems speaking her mind either.

In an interview with the UK's Guardian, Lynch expressed her thoughts about recent gay rights setbacks, and her disappointment with the Obama administration...
"Shouldn't there be safeguards against the majority voting on the rights of a minority? If people voted on civil rights in the 60s, it would have never happened. It took somebody like [President] Lyndon Johnson going, 'F all of you! I'm going to do this.' Obama won't do it. He's a huge disappointment to me."
Personally, I second that emotion.

Lynch also talks about being "out" in Hollywood...
"I think if I were an ingénue – if I were Kate Winslet – it probably would hurt my career, but because I'm Jane Lynch and I'm a character actor, the world isn't projecting their romantic fantasies on me."

Read the entire interview HERE.  Hat tip to Towleroad.


kayce. said...

i love me some jane lynch! in a class last semester, i tried to bring up the whole "majority voting on rights of the minority" thing, but it was clearly above those bitches heads. unfortunately. but she's right: sometimes a POTUS has to step up and do what's right, not what's safe, and between not prosecuting bush, not getting me a public option, and not supporting equal rights, i gotta say ~ i'm pretty disappointed in him too!

Big Mark 243 said...

That is part of why I have always admired LBJ... he took his sense of what is right to Washington with him... isn't it ironic that he is from Texas? Who'd of thunk??

MJ said...

Oh my, I could write a thesis on my disappointment with our Prez and the direction he is going on a number of issues. Unfortunately, I think it is almost imperative to be a Washington insider to get things accomplished. If this is his learning curve, I hope he gets with the program HE OUTLINED when seeking this office. PO'd about health care (not reform & thanks Rahm), bailouts that only enrich the wealthy (thanks Little Timmy G). I originally supported Hilary and still think she would have been a better Prez. How can we finance 3 wars and not have the financial will and "balls" to get employment and the housing crisis on track. Think we need another WPA program to get things moving again. At this point, I see POTUS as a 1 term prez.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are "Glee" fans as I am Jane Lynch is just perfect in this role. And as for Lyndon Johnson this is something my friends and I have been discussing - how the hell did he manage to get the Civil Rights Act, Fair Housing Act, Voting Rights Act, Medicare/Medicaid legislation passed and we can't pass even a semblance of a decent health care bill? Very disappointing times.

Joy said...

LBJ had been in the Senate for 12 years and was Whip for several of them. He knew how to wheel and deal. Also the times were different then. The Civil Rights Movement and war protests had a huge impact. Congress felt the pressure.

Obama is facing opposition from corporate greed that existed back then but not to this extent that lobbyists are going at it now. It's harder to get the legislation passed now that it was then because many of those greedy, evangelical people who were against all that in the 60's and their followers are the louder voices now. It's pay-back, I guess.

The climate is different now, but the pendulum will come back. It's started to already.

Anonymous said...

I was watching Buffy this weekend and Jane is almost unrecognizable if not for that voice as Buffy's new boss at the Doublemeat Palace.

Anonymous said...

Jane Lynch brings up a good point. Rights for citizens should not be subject to a vote!

Wonder Man said...

Love Jane, and I agree with Joy. Different time, very different situation

Mark in DE said...

She's exactly right. Obama needs to take a page from the LBJ playbook and make equality happen on a Federal level.

BTW, Jane is FABULOUSLY funny on Glee.

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