Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm Getting A Visitor!

Yes BunnyNation, after two failed attempts (one thwarted by a hurricane and the other by a busy schedule) I finally get the opportunity to hang out with Dust Bunny Dan from Chicago!!  Dan is in NYC on business, and has decided to extend his stay over the weekend for some boozing and go-go fondling with little 'ole ME!

As a result, posting will be extremely light over the weekend because I will be drunk.  The plan is for me to finish my Project Runway recap tomorrow afternoon, pick Dan up, have some drinks, and end up at The Urge Lounge (AKA "The Urges") for the nightly "show"...

After all, Dan and I are both big supporters of "the arts" and we plan on doing WHATEVER WE CAN to help these "artists" ...


Wonder Man said...

That's looks like fun

Angel said...

SO NOT FAIR!!!!!!! I WANNA COME TOO!!!!!!! Damn, you guys are gonna have so much fun!

the dogs' mother said...

Give him a big hug from all the bunnies!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to visit!!

Unknown said...

Have a fantabulous time!

Joy said...

I'm so glad for both of you and know you'll have so much fun! Can't wait to hear about it and see the photos!

Benj said...

Sounds like a blast! I need to get down to NYC soon. Have a great weekend, and you two stay warm however you need to ;-D

Mistress Maddie said...

If I didn't have plans on Sunday I would have come up to support the arts with ya'll! I'm feeling some Urges!

izzy said...

Does Gio Ortega still dance? I would support him in any way possible. Shoot I would put him in med school. He is like one of those things you have to see when your in Ny just like the statue of liberty. I'm just saying.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

As a philanthropist, I am most impressed with your support of these boys "scholarship initiatives!"

Zervando! said...


Mark in DE said...

Its so good of you two boys to "support the arts". ;-) Have a ball.

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