Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dreaming of Tomorrow ...

Photography Credit: Lost City

Lost City got a sneak peak at the Arby's in Downtown Brooklyn (it's gorgeous, BTW) - which opens tomorrow.  And NO, Arby's never called ME for my grand tour/free meal - so I'll have my delicious dinner "incognito" after work.

But that's seriously OK, I don't mind paying for quality roast beef. And this way I won't have to worry about the paparazzi photographing me stuffing curly fries into my Arby-Q Sauce-stained face.  After all, the Paps have already found out where I live.

UPDATE:  A PR rep for Arby's just sent me a really sweet email - offering me an official tour and thanking me for my support. Remember this day, Biatches - January 20th, 2010 is THE DAY I OFFICIALLY "ARRIVED". I'm still going to sneak in anonymously tomorrow after work to strap on the feedbag - but I'm attempting to arrange an "official" visit for early next week.  Stay tuned...


Tivo Mom said...

Thursday, Arby's, Project Runway! Great Day! I am jealous.

Joy said...

Fabulous day for you!! Enjoy and rejoice!!

Dean Grey said...


I sooooo love Arby's curly fries!!

Eat some for me at that high-scale Arby's!


LauraK said...

Dreams DO come true! This is SO inspiring.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I am SICK with jealousy that you are going to get a VIP tour of Arby's and I'm not! You'd better REPRESENT, gurl!

Sozo's said...

I love Arby's too! My local Arby's kinda sucks though, so I'm glad you get a nice, fresh, clear one. That official tour should be nice, let's see if they give you some official discounts too!

Benj said...

That's awesome! Go Arby's. I love their secret sauce... but I actually found a better horsey sauce (sorry, big A... you're just not hot enough for me)

Have fun, DD!!!

Unknown said...

Well, I know where we are going then next time I am visiting! We are so going to Brooklyn and chowing down!

Peter Maria said...

Congrats! I'm so glad your tireless devotion and promotion is being rewarded. Be sure to take lots of pix.

MJ said...

I'm so happy for you. Hope you enjoy every morsel and will be looking forward to your blog on the personal, guided tour and any other goodies they may send your way.

mikeinbama said...

That's fucking GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! We expect a full detailed report.

Anonymous said...

WHOOOO! Do you know I actually found out about this from Arbys? They responded to my email, so I had to run over here and see it for myself! Finally, your awesomeness is being rewarded!

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