Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Broadway Celebrity Sighting - Corbin Bleu

Wednesday in Manhattan is "Matinée Day", because most Broadway shows have a 2:00 pm matinée followed by the usual 8:00 pm evening performance.  And since the performers, musicians and backstage workers don't have much time between shows - they traditionally stay close to the Theater District.

Tonight after work, while walking home (yes, that's EVERY DAY - 7 1/2 miles - this week), I passed Corbin Bleu on 8th Avenue.  Bleu, of High School Musical fame - is currently featured in the musical In The Heights - and was obviously in-between performances.  I first noticed him as part of my usual "Oh, there's a cute papi" continuous radar ("Papidar")- but I quickly figured out it was him.  Corbin, who was alone, noticed my staring and gave me a "Keep it movin', Big Boy" look.  I guess he was just not that into me...

I am here to report that Corbin Bleu, 21, is EXTREMELY cute (although I thought he would be taller for some reason).  Unfortunately it was chilly today in NYC, so he was way more covered up than in these pictures...

My Heart Belongs to Daddy

Afternoon Dance Break - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)

I went to college during the mid to late 80's, and even though I never joined a fraternity I went to quite a few fraternity parties.  And it always cracked me up when the straight frat boys would pack the dance floor every time You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) was played.  I mean let's face it, Dead or Alive's Pete Burns (above) made/makes Boy George look like a Wall Street investment banker.

Excuses, Excuses - RuPaul's Drag Race

The dog ate my homework blah blah blah ...

There was a bit of drama (nothing major) at Chez Dust last night - which prevented me from reviewing RuPaul's Drag Race and my notes again.  Therefore I cannot write my recap today, and really won't have time to do it this week.  I truly apologize and will try again next week.  I ESPECIALLY apologize to DustBunny M, to whom I owe One Sassy Recap.

Here are a few talking points regarding this week's episode...
  • I LOVED this week's challenge.  Having the relatively young Dolls "create" their Drag Mothers was hysterical and an excellent idea.
  • Did you see the look on Tati's mama's face when Tati said she didn't know who Oscar Wilde was?  I thought old Annalisha was going to cut a Ho.  Can you imagine what would have gone down had young Tatianna said she didn't really know who Judy Garland was?!?  Blasphemy!!!
  • Pandora's mama cracked me up.  She was a TRIP: red, white and blue bikini, secret plastic "toys", and dirty talk.  I wanna party with that old girl.
  • The fact that Raven bonded with her Radical Faerie-esque drag mother touched me.  I identified with them because I once had a close gay male friend who was in his 70's.  Bill (God rest his soul) was a delight and I miss him and his friendship terribly.
  • Biggest LOL moment?  When Juju said "None of these old bitches better die overnight!!!"  OMG ... too funny!
  • And what about the judges?!?  Cloris Leachman (who is 83 years old, btw!!!) and DEBBIE FRIGGIN' REYNOLDS!!  I think a couple of those old girls peed a little when they heard Ms. Reynold's name.  In their world - which was chocked full of "movie stars" - Debbie Reynolds was/is one of the biggest and brightest.  AND, she was involved in one of the biggest scandals of that era - when Elizabeth Taylor stole her husband, Eddie Fisher.
  • More about the judges.  I can't remember who received these compliments, but when Cloris Leachman says "you are funny", or Debbie Reynolds praises your dancing, you should needlepoint that shizz onto a huge wall tapestry and hang it up in your living room.  Immediately.
  • Finally, I was sad, sad, sad to see Pandora go.
Feel free to leave any thoughts you may have in the Comments section.

Last Night On Lost - WTF?!?

If anyone has a clue as to what happened on last night's Lost, feel free to leave it in the Comments.  'Cause I was one CONFUSED Bunny ...

Tea Party Census Rhetoric Backfiring on Conservatives

Thanks to paranoid anti-Census preaching by uber-wingnuts like Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck, conservative areas of the U.S. may actually LOSE representation in Congress the next time around.  According to the Daily Kos...
Contrary to historical trends, the Houston Chronicle notes one of the toughest challenges facing U.S. Census officials is "not from counting the traditionally undercounted groups such as African-Americans and Latinos. Instead, a new and growing threat to an accurate national head count is coming from anti-government conservatives who may not fill out their forms to protest against 'Big Brother' in Washington."

The POST goes on to say that in some parts of Texas, response rates have been as low as 5 percent.  Keep up the great work Rep. "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann (below)!!


I Could Have Used This Yesterday...

The Broadsword Handle Umbrella.  Yesterday was one of the coldest, rainiest and nastiest days I can remember - and my poor little umbrella just wasn't up to the task.

To complicate matters - I actually walked home from work in all of that mess.  Yes, I made sure I got my exercise - even though I ended up soaked and now probably have pneumonia.

Happy Hump Day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Heavy Firepower in the NYC Subway

NYC has stepped up security at spots in the city - including the subway (the picture above was taken at the Grand Central subway station).  This is a response to the recent suicide bombings in Moscow.

I realize this is necessary, but seeing armed guys with machine guns makes me feel uneasy - not safe.  I absolutely HATE guns, and seeing this makes me feel like I'm living in a war zone.  Which, I guess, I am.

Let me ask you ... would armed soldiers in your city/town make you feel safer from the threat of terrorism?

Don't Mess with the Bears

You Better WORK That Courtroom, Honey!

This is what you wear to jury duty when you are Amanda Lepore - NYC's number one trans-diva.  Just your simple "basic black" daywear and a little bit of lipstick... nothing fancy.

COMING SOON: RuPaul's Drag Race Recap

I watched RuPaul's Drag Race last night and took notes, but I need to watch it once more in order to write my recap.  So tonight I'll watch it again, take some more notes, and have a recap for you by tomorrow afternoon.

FYI: Comments have been turned "off" for this post - please save all your witty banter for tomorrow.


Dear Barry Manilow ...

Is there anything you'd like to tell us?  Now seems like the perfect time...


Carroll High School Senior Powder Puff Cheerleaders kick it in this video.  These boys PRACTICED this routine...


Out and Proud ... and HOT - Ricky Martin

I am not going to be snarky about this - I'm truly proud of Ricky Martin for coming out.  Everyone takes a different journey ... now if someone could just steer Ricky's journey towards my apartment...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Getting An Eyeful

Coach "Eagle Eye" Webber always looked out for his athletes ...

Secret Carb Stash?...


White Meat Monday - The Meat Locker

This week I've even found some delicious SMOKED meat (#1) for the Meat Locker!  Please let me know which USDA Prime cut you would prefer in the Comments section...

Afternoon Techno Break - James Brown Is Dead

As I've written BEFORE, the old Limelight club (above) hasn't been open in years (they're turning it into a mini-mall) - but I can still remember some of the music they played there.  Limelight's larger main dance floor ("The Sanctuary") was always the "straight" (or straightish) area of the club - and they LOVED their techno music on that side.  I swear, EVERY SINGLE TIME I ventured out from the gay rooms ("The Chapel" and/or "The Library") and went to the main dance floor, THIS song was spinning...

Monday Weigh In - You're Not Going To Believe This...

As many of you know, on Thursday I WENT BACK ON THE LOW-CARB DIET I’ve had success with in the past.  I also started walking again (5 miles last week) and I even did 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at home yesterday.

I must say I'm quite pleased with the results - 10 lbs. lost since Thursdayyeah me!!  Now I’ve been down this road (many times) before, so I know the first week is always the easiest week to lose weight.  These results are in no way astonishing or abnormal for me - and, trust me, when you are as big as me it doesn’t take much to drop 10 pounds.  But I am still happier than Oprah in a biscuit factory over the results so far.

My first goal is to lose 10% of my total weight (as of Thursday) – which would be 29 lbs (do the math – it’s not pretty).  So in the first 4 days I am already 1/3rd of the way to my first goal.  Yeah Me!!

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement – it really helps.  I must say that doing this “publicly” makes me think twice before reaching for a Big Mac.

In non-diet-related news, this is how I spent my weekend…

Dust Bunnies Mrs.  Alaineous and her hubby Mr. Mischief send me the boxed set of the original Star Wars trilogy!  They no longer wanted it, so they mailed it to me – along with a hysterical “National Smell My Hand Day” postcard.  It was wonderful spending the weekend in “A galaxy far, far away…”.  Thank you Mrs. A and Mr. M!!!!!

So ... how was YOUR weekend??

White ROLL Monday - Caption This...

Sen. Adams Joins General Larry Platt's Army

NY State Senator Eric Adams (below) has launched a billboard campaign in Brooklyn against people "looking like a fool with their pants on the ground".  But why didn't Sen. Adams get "General" Larry Platt (above) to be his spokesman??  From the Daily News:

State Sen. Eric Adams (above) announced Sunday the posting of six giant billboards in Brooklyn targeting the saggy trend. The billboards go up Monday. "This whole sagging pants culture seems to have swept the city and the country," said Adams, a Democrat. "Children will be children. But as adults, we need to be on record and tell them they're doing something wrong."

The 22-foot-tall billboards will be erected along heavily traveled streets, primarily in Crown Heights. Adams said he used $2,000 in campaign funds to pay for the billboards. Each billboard features two male models whose pants are hanging so low their underwear is showing. The message: "Stop the Sag!" and "We are better than this!"

Ok, I agree that boys look ridiculous showing off their underwear by belting their pants under their bootays (see above).  But the "Coinslot Look" on muscular adults I don't mind at all...

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