Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Calling In Sick...

For the past few weeks I have gotten sicker and sicker - finally getting to the point where I couldn't walk up 4 steps without completely losing my breath.  It got so bad that I actually went to my Doctor this morning (you know how doctorphobic I am), and he thinks I have an Upper Respiratory Infection (just like last year).  He gave me Cipro and some kind of inhaler and told be to come back in a week.

But after packing, moving, and trying to get situated at my new place, I'm EXHAUSTED and going to bed.  If I feel better I'll do some posts tomorrow afternoon.



Tivo Mom said...

Please feel better friend. Take care of yourself and take a break. You are missed every day you do not post but I would rather a few days than the alternative. Catch up soon.....

Wonder Man said...

get better, boo

behrmark said...

Chicken soup! Hope you feel better soon, Friend. Behr Hugs for a speedy recovery!

the dogs' mother said...

Fluids! OJ! Vitamin C! (Just triggers all the mom responses.) Feel better soon.

mrs.missalaineus said...

take care of yourself, your minions need you!


Ken Riches said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

David...... a second opinion is needed. My doctor thought I had the same thing followed the same treatment then on a Monday unable to even brush my teeth I called 911..... the leading killer of men in their 40's and 50's... whose PCP miss it or they feel its just a bad cold !

CHF: Congestive Heart Failure

Psychomom said...

Poor baby boy, take some 'me time' then hope you get well soon and call in one more extra day for 'you time'.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

Hope you feel better soon, Puddin!

Sozo's said...

Oh I'm sorry you're sick I know not being able to breath effects everything you do.

Get well soon and get some rest.


kayce. said...

take care of yourself, david... i'm sure the stress of having to move, etc., didn't help your immune system, so don't let anyone rush you out of bed (even us LOL). feel better! <333

MJ said...

Feel better soon....take care with lot of good zzzzzz's.

Anonymous said...

get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Get some rest! Of course, I'm so late in reading/commenting, that you're probably already feeling worlds better. At least I hope that's the case.

Joy said...

Bless your heart! Feel better! It's too sad for you to be sick.

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