Tuesday, June 22, 2010

more updates.

Hi everyone, it's Kayce again.  :))

I just spoke to David and he asked me to post another update to keep everyone informed, because the blog will be quiet for the rest of the week or so.

First, and most importantly, he's feeling MUCH BETTER!  The doctors did diagnose him with double-lung pneumonia, and instantly pumped him full of antibiotics.  David said he doesn't know exactly what kind of bacterium ass is being kicked, but he's sure that the infection is getting under control.  Between the drugs and Mama Bunny, all seems to be going well.  Needless to say, however, David is done with his regular doctor (the one who refused to x-ray him), which I was glad to hear.

David is still getting poked full of needles, and his breath is still short, but he said he can move around and do normal, "fun" things like work.  ;)  Now that David is on his way to healthy, The Nation needs to send healing prayers to his hospital television, because it doesn't work at all.  Between the broken television and lack of computer, David says he's not sure there IS a world outside the hospital walls until Mama Bunny brings the daily papers.  I told him I'd leave him a voicemail and let him know what happens on Top Chef.

Oh, and speaking of Top Chef:  there will likely be no posts at all this week.  They have to keep him in the hospital for a little while longer, and David is still unsure just how long that will be.  He did say that as soon as he's home, we'll know, because he's jonesing to get on the computer, LOL.


Unknown said...

Thanks Kayce! Glad to hear David is on the road to recovery!

Manhandler said...

Wow, I hope he's feeling well soon. Pneumonia is no fun.

mrs.missalaineus said...

wishes for a speedy recovery and we are both so proud you got proactive about YOU and got yourself checked out and then cut that dr loose!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe the bunnies can put together a ragtag summary of the top chef tomfoolery i'm in if anyone else wants to join we can email something to our leader say thursday/friday ish?


Mistress Maddie said...

I just talked to Mame and she is getting a little feisty, and kept talking, he does sound a litlle better. Thanks for the update Kayce!

behrmark said...

Thank you Kayce for the update. *giggle* You said jonesing. Please tell David that all the healing power of love and peace are being sent his way (and to the hospital TV), that we love and miss him. Please tell him BEHR HUGS! kthxbai

the dogs' mother said...

That bacteria is toast! So glad to hear. It should be unconstitutional not to have a working TV in the hospital - cute (handsome) nurses is the only remedy (but hard to work your mojo with your mother there Eldest will tell you). Be good, behave, get well, tell Mama Bunny we loves her!

E. Judd said...


Kristen said...

Glad to hear you are starting to kick that baterium's ass!!! Will miss you Top Chef recap...but I am sure you will be missing it too :(

Get better!

Kristen from Colorado

Big Mark 243 said...

Glad double D is on his way to recovery. Double-pneumonia... sheesh!

MJ said...

Thanks Kayce!!! I am glad to hear David is on the mend and will be looking forward to read the snarky comments I am sure he has been stashing in that wacky brain of his.
I will send all my good vibes that the TV will magically start working.

Bob said...

What fabulous news!
And smart to dump the quck MD, DD; very smart.
We'll send lots of love and prayers from Smallville to La Grande Apple for you and await your triumphant return to blogdom!


Bob and Carlos

Beth said...

Please pass along my love and hugs to our dear David. And yeah...FUCK that doctor. (Not literally...unless he was hot. No, seriously. Incompetence is not sexy.) XOXO Beth

Guardian Hearts said...

Hope David gets better soon! Sending my prayers and hugs

Peter said...

Hope he's feeling better soon. I also hope someone is taping Top Chef for him.

gman7157 said...

Get well soon David! We miss you!

Sozo's Blog.com said...

Thanks again for the update Kayce!

David we love you and are praying for you and that TV, hope you are feeling better. We miss you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kayce! I've wondering how the King of the Dust Bunnies has been doing. So, so glad he's finally feeling better.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update...glad to hear he is done with that doctor!

Jacki said...

I'm so behind but I'm sending healing thoughts his way (now that I'm caught up) and so thankful he has you to take good care of him!

ChristinePL said...

Get well soon David. I miss your postings. (((HUGS)))

ChristinePL said...

I hope you get to feeling better real soon. I miss your daily posts. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Get better soon David! Take it easy so you stay well. Miss your recaps - It's just not complete till I read your take on TC!

Angel said...



Kyle Leach said...

Thanks Kayce; it is nice to hear that he is doing better.

Sending good thoughts your way David. Hope you are back in your blogging seat real soon. Take good care of yourself!

MJ said...

I keep looking for you to pop up with your wit and wisdom. I guess I am addicted.....xoxoxoxo

SteveA said...

David - we miss you. Get well soon dude! xoxo!

Amber LeMay said...

David... we're waiting!!!!

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