Saturday, June 5, 2010

It Is Done ...

The move is finished, and I am blogging from Astoria, Queens.  This post is going to be short and sweet, because I'm EXHAUSTED.  To make things quick and easy, here are some bullet points:

  • OMG - moving is hard work!  I hope to never leave the apartment I'm in right now - for as long as I live.  In reality this apartment is downright huge by Manhattan standards.  I'm actually sitting in the dining area at a genuine kitchen table.  I haven't had a dining area with a kitchen table you could sit at since I lived in PA.  And the living room in this place is at least twice the size of my living room on 9th Avenue.
  • It is weird being in "someone else's apartment".  Even though I've had a roommate forever, my apartments in Manhattan were very much MINE.  My new roommate isn't here tonight, but his brother is and it's a little unconfortable sharing space with a complete stranger.  I guess I'll get used to it.
  • The cats are getting adjusted to the new digs - Oscar is being a big crybaby (he howled the entire trip from Manhattan to Queens in the moving van), but Dusty seems fine.
  • I haven't eaten all day, so right now I'm chowing down on Popeye's fried chicken which is conveniently located around the corner.  Don't judge - it's been a rough day and I needed comfort food.
  • Oh, and when I said I was "finished", well - "finished" is a relative term.  Here is what my new room looks like right now...

That pile of lumber you see is my loft bed, which will NOT be getting put together tonight.  I'll be crashing on the couch and trying to get organized tomorrow.

That's all for now - I need to go to sleep for about 15 years...


the dogs' mother said...

Thought about you today. Thank goodness that is over!

Sozo's said...

So glad you got moved and that all is well. Get some rest!!!

Doug said...

Good luck with the new home. Hope you get lots of rest tonight

Ken Riches said...

At least you got your priorities right, computer before bed :o)

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Cograts on the new digs! The whole "strange roommate" thing is admirable: not sure I could pull it off! With your charm and wit I'm sure you'll all be best buds in no time!

Joy said...

I'm proud of you! I agree with Ginger about the new roommate situation. Hope that works out well. Thanks for the picture. Looking forward to more as things shape up. Would love to see the rest of the place when you get a chance. You know how I like to see where people live. I even watch "House Hunters" for that reason.

Peter Maria said...

So glad you got thru the move; unpacking/setting up is hard, but hopefully will be less hard than packing and moving!

I moved 2 cats for close to a decade; the younger one always seemed to cope better (altho he sadly is gone now). Older cat will likely appreciate something familiar from the previous place: bed, toy, etc. They'll both also like it more once your room is set up, since I'm guessing it will have familiar objects for them.

Enjoy your new spaciousness!

Mistress Maddie said...

Well, my lands! Thanks you baby Jesus for finally getting to Queens! Yea! Girl, if you think about it the hardest part is over-the move. Sounds good the cats are well. And will that Frigdaire thingy fit in that window? For all our sakes I hope so. Auntie Flame cracks me up. Auntie, you should start a blog about where people live!

kayce. said...

congratulations ~ i'm glad to hear that the hardest part is over! between finding the apartment and doing the moving, (eventually) putting together the loft bed should be a piece of cake. and i agree w/ your decision to have popeye's b/c you damned-well deserve it! nothing better to soothe one's soul and make you feel at home then some spicy-licious fried chicken LOL.

mrs.missalaineus said...

i love the hardwood floors. i've lived with strangers many times, both as a kid in the system and when i was squatting. it is weird at first.


SteveA said...

Congrats on the move. All the best!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Congratulations on getting moved! Sleep well tonight.

theminx said...

Glad you're in new digs - I hope you have many happy times there. :)


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