Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Pray This Is Real: McRibbles

This is supposedly a leaked ad for McDonald's latest product - McRibbles.  Basically, they are McRib sandwiches in McNugget form.

Dear Baby Jeebus: Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers.  Amen.


UPDATE:  If you like the idea of bite-size nuggets of processed "pork product" slathered in flavored corn starch BBQ sauce, then JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP.


Anonymous said...

You and my husband are soulmates. If these do make it to market, he will be in heaven.

Unknown said...

Ok, so a photo was leaked of McRibbles, a bite-sized version of the McRib. Fake or not, I say McDonald's should make this product. They can't deny a millions fans demanding it, can they?

Sam said...

Fuck that DD< let's turn this mother out!!! I'm there fire up the fucking bat mobile!! Yee haw, You know I love that Pork processed pieces parts packed perfectly in to some odd looking boneless rib.
Oh lawd I will not sleep a wink tonight at all. Just think on the brightside of it. THEY ARE CUTTING THE FATTY BREAD HO!!!

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