Monday, June 28, 2010

There's No Place Like Home ... There's No Place Like Home

Well THAT certainly wasn't fun...

Hello my darling DustBunnies!!!  I am friggin' HOME after 8 days in a Queens hospital battling pneumonia in both lungs.  There will be lots and lots more information to share and stories to tell, but that will have to wait for a little while longer.  Right now I have kitties to pet, Chinese takeout to order, and "1000+" blog posts to read on my Google Reader.

Besides, after 8 days of "truck stop whore baths" using paper towels/hand soap in the hospital bathroom, I need to get my stinky butt into the shower for a good long time.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all the well wishes, blog comments, cards, texts, and phone calls.  And a special shout-out to Kayce for helping me communicate with everybody.  You all bring joy to my heart every day - and I truly mean that.

FYI:  for those of you who have my telephone number, I will not be picking up the phone tonight.  It's not that I don't love you like my luggage, but this Biatch needs to relax and enjoy the fact that no one is going to wake me up tonight and poke me with another needle.




Wonder Man said...

Glad you are okay!!!

Doug said...

welcome home! Glad you're better.

the dogs' mother said...

Yay! Yay! You're back, back, back!!!

behrmark said...

Very glad to hear you're home and on the mend! BEHR HUGS!

kayce. said...


xoxox. said...

Welcome back!!!! So happy you are well and back home!!!

Tivo Mom said...

I have missed you so much. I am so glad you are OK and so happy to have you back. Rest up and take baby steps my friend.

Big Mark 243 said...

Welcome back and I am glad you are getting healthy!! You are my motivation to keep going to the gym... hoping I can get in good enough condition to be featured as a 'daddy' on your blog!!

So don't go and be getting sick and all that anymore!!

Romance said...

Glad you are home!!! Call me when you get a chance -- will email you offline.

Kisses to you and the kitties

Guardian Hearts said...

Glad you are home David! Have a nice rest and relax as much as you can. I'm sure everyone here missed you a lot and we are happy to hear you're home safe and sound. Hugs!

Unknown said...

We need to catch up soon. I miss you, babe. We need to get together soon and do something fun. You would have loved SIRPAUL, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you're back home! Have a nice long sleep in your OWN bed. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

E. Judd said...

DING DONG the BITCH is BACK!!!!!!! I am one Happy MEXICAN!!!!

H2B said...

glad to see you back!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!! Rest up.

Ken Riches said...

Welcome Home Bunny :o)

Sozo's said...

So glad you are home and are doing better. Now, get some rest!

Joy said...

Great news!! Home again! I'm so glad and have missed you very much! Thank goodness you posted, or I'd have called or texted you again. I don't ever want to be a nuisance (unless I know you'd laugh about it)!! Many hugs! XOXOXOXOX

AGB said...

Welcome home. Glad you are back !!!

W.L.F. said...


truth said...

Glad to hear you are out of the hospital & feeling better! Mazel!

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you're back in your very own place!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I'm so glad you're home and I know there are 2 kitties in Queens that are VERY glad you're home! I'm guessing that the novenas I said last night made it all happen....

Peter said...

Welcome home! Just take your time to get back into shape.

We all know that after that a deluge of posts will burst over the net.

kyro said...

glad to hear your ok.

Bob said...

Glad you're back and feistier than ever!


SteveA said...

Glad you're home and all is OK! xoxoxo!

MJ said...

Missed you much and so happy you are back!!! Somehow the world seems OK again.

Give Oscar & Dusty some luvin' from me too! Take care and look forward to the next installment.


TonyJoe said...

Hey David, I'm glad you're doing better. Stay healthy and keep up the exercise regimen you started before all the chaos of the move. I'm sure it will help you stay healthy in the future as well.

It's great to have you back.


theminx said...

Now that you're out of the hospital, you probably need a vacation!


Anonymous said...

Please forgive my tardiness but I am so glad you are feeling better.

If you get sick and abandon me again, I will kill you.

Love ya!


Unknown said...

Welcome back...

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