Friday, September 17, 2010

Last Night On Project Runway - Jackie OH HELL NO!

I didn't watch Project Runway too closely last night - I got distracted by Happy Hour ($3 Bud Lights!) and the fierce storm which blew through NYC. Furthermore, I left the sliding glass door to my balcony wide open when I left for work in the morning - so I returned home to a soggy carpet, a modem which required rebooting, and a need for post-Happy Hour/Tornado Chinese food.

Some thoughts on what I DID see ...

  • I'm CONCERNED about Gretchen.  I'm CONCERNED about Gretchen because she is always so CONCERNED about the other designers and their garments.  But my CONCERN turned to jubilation when I saw the stank look on Gretchen's face after Heidi announced she was safe.  Dear Gretchen: Safe = A Good Thing.  Don't be so damn CONCERNED.
  • Dear Andy: No ... Just NO...
Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em!
  • Ivy is gross.
  • I have a feeling people will say the judges were mean this week. But let's face it - the designers were supposed to be inspired by one of the most recognizable fashion icons of the last 100 years, and half of them were CLUELESS.  Most two-bit drag queens could throw together a convincing Jackie O inspired look in 20 minutes - why did this crew have so much trouble?
  • Speaking of the bitchy judges, I think Michael Kor(ange)s was actually angry about how bad this Jackie O "fashion" was.  Let's face it, for many gay men of a certain age, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis WAS fashion.  Plus, Michael made a valid point when he said that she managed to look amazing for 40 years.  It doesn't get much more inspirational than that.

  • I have a feeling that Heidi is a germaphobe.  Did you ever notice that when Heidi hates a garment she describes it as "dirty"? I bet she makes Seal bathe in Purell before sexytimes.
  • Mondo's eye makeup was FIERCE last night.  Not on his model - but on himself.

What did I miss??  Feel free to (over)share in the Comments.



the dogs' mother said...

Okay, this is the LAST TIME I fall for Lifetime's promos! War in the Workroom! HUH? Gretchen being concerned. Ivy and Val talking valley speak? MichaelD being adorable. MichaelC being lost. Mondo and Christoper being their usual no drama.
WTH Lifetime?!
Got that off my chest. Only Mondo really got it. He updated the look. A little too short but he got it.
Hope the carpets, and you, recovered from the big storm. The family now knows where Astoria is relative to Brooklyn and the rest of NYC.

the dogs' mother said...

I want to amend my previous statement - Mondo's skirt length was just right. (looking at TLO's congrats post)

theminx said...

MichaelD is adorable but I am so glad I don't have to listen to his voice again! That boy must keep his 'nads constricted or something.

Love Mondo.


Mark in DE said...

I DVR'd it and will watch it tonight, but had to compliment you on this brief yet entertaining post. I heart you, David Darling!!

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