Friday, September 3, 2010

Last Night on Project Runway

Feel free to dish about last night's "real women" challenge in the comments.

Here's my two cents: It seems pretty obvious to me that the producers manipulated last night's show more than usual.  Poison Ivy's "I heard that Michael C. was talking smack about me" seemed totally juvenile and completely made up (I'm sure she 'heard' it from a Producer).  Unless I missed something last night and they actually showed him doing it (??).

Also, Michael C is now getting a sypathetic edit for some reason.  If you remember, he was kind of a biatch during the first one or two episodes - but now it looks as if the other designers are picking on him for no reason.  There must be SOME explanation why everyone hates him, but the producers aren't showing it.

As for me, I happen to like the guy - so I was fine with last night's results.  Even though it seemed that the Producers (not the judges) chose Michael to win to increase the drama factor.

And I will miss Peach Cobbler and her Good China...

What did YOU think about last night's episode of Project Runway??


the dogs' mother said...

We are in mourning here at the pond for Peach!
And I agree with every one of your suspicions. The praise from the judges seemed way over the top, almost embarrassingly so.
Daughter and I slo-moed the promo for next week's show and the bit that looks like one designer attacking another? That is AJ and MichaelD. and MichaelD is laughing so it looks like good natured rough housing and Kristin is in the background! This happened a couple challenges ago!
Too tricksy and misleading, Lifetime and BM.

Mistress Maddie said...

Peach did suck as a designer, but I just loved her to death!!!! I could see going to tea dance with her! I agree something fishy seems to be going on with the edit. Doesn't make sense. The show is getting harder every season to hold my attention anymore. Too much editing and trying for drama. But after all, they have to compete with the grade A, first class entertainment that is the Real Housewives of Joisey!!! And Posion Ivy needs a good crack!

MJ said...

Peach was genuinely liked and likeable....who knows, maybe she will get a "blog" from Lifetime. I have been trying to think of who Gretchen reminds me of and I think I have it...she looks like the "Runaway Bride" from a few years back. Same weird eyes.
So far, enjoying the show and feels a bit more like the "old PR".
Have a good holiday weekend all...

Bob said...

I'll miss Peach but not her designs.
And I agree about the Michael C sympathy edit.

Joy said...

Peach is very likeable, and I agree with others about her designs. They were all really bad. I wondered about the editing, too, and why it seems that they are being so mean to Michael C. Something must be going on we haven't seen. I can't get a handle on him. Sometimes he seems OK and other times like a douche.

Tivo Mom said...

It is funny that I am also feeling a little weird about how the editing is messing with us. loved your tweets last night. I still say Mondo's was better than Michael's dress. Favorites are favorites I guess. I thought Nina was better than that.

Unknown said...

Well, as I twatted during the show, it is really starting to annoy me. Either I am getting too old to figure things out, or the judges were told who to pick. At this point, I don't find any of them to be the slightest bit likable, and their high school behavior difficult to watch.

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