Tuesday, September 7, 2010

NYC From Space

NASA astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock is on The Twatter and is tweeting from space (I wonder if his boss knows about this?!?).  On August 28 he posted this picture, saying “The City That Never Sleeps… New York, New York on a clear summer night."


Source.  Note: I flipped the pictured he posted and put in on a traditional North-South axis to make it easier to recognize (at least for me). Click to embiggen.


the dogs' mother said...

Astronauts that tweet. Makes me smile!

nitrox11 said...

London: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0304/london_iss_full.jpg

You can see Heathrow airport out to the west and Gatwick airport is the blob to the far south of the city. The faint ring (brighter in the SW)is the M25 orbital motorway, the 117 mile outer ring round round the city.

Tom A. said...

The Hudson River area looks like lady parts!

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