Monday, September 20, 2010

This Time She Has Gone Too Far

We already know what Christine O'Donnell said about witchcraft, but another quote just surfaced which has me OUTRAGED. The Douchette from Delaware once dissed my beloved Drag Balls!!!

In 1997, Christine O'Douchenozzle voiced concern that Drag/Vogueing Balls "celebrates the type of lifestyle" which leads to AIDS. Oh.No.She.Di-Int.

As many of you know, Paris Is Burning - the 1990 documentary about NYC Drag/Vogue culture - is probably my favorite movie of all time. The Balls in that movie were a celebration of LIFE (not "lifestyle") - these Queens created a fantasy at the Balls which was the complete opposite of the poverty, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and illness which surrounded most of their day-to-day lives. Just to wake up every day was something to be joyful about, and these Legendary Children - catty as they may have been - expressed this joy at the various Balls they competed in.

Furthermore, O'Donnell stated that people with AIDS should not be labeled as "victims" because AIDS is a consequence of "a certain lifestyle which brings about the disease".

Dear Christine O'Douchenozzle:  These legendary Queens ...

Dorian Corey

Anji Xtravaganza

Octavia St. Laurent

... did not die because of their "lifestyle". They died because people like you don't value gay people of color and do everything in your power to keep them down. Anti-gay and anti-trans discrimination legislation? Nope. Access to healthcare? Absolutely not. Hate crime laws? No - there is no such thing as hate crimes to the Christine O'Donnells of the world.

Shame on you Christine. I hope the eternal spirit of the greatest Queen of them all - Pepper LaBeija (below) - haunts you until the day you die. And I pray that the people of Delaware don't let you snatch the Senate trophy you want so badly.

Biatch, you have just been CHOPPED...



Unknown said...

Such a shame that the supposed 'Christian' is less charitable than her religion subscribes, and so hate-filled. I hope her candidacy inspires the Democrats to come to the polls next month.

the dogs' mother said...

Being haunted kind of fits right in to her persona.

Wonder Man said...

Yes, she should be chopped

Preston said...

Yes! The library has now been opened honey because you just read this heifa for the gods!!

David Dust said...

Thank you Preston dear - but unfortunately Miss Christine has never been in a library before. But yes, she HAS been read :)


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