Monday, September 27, 2010

I Finally Saw Top Chef: Just Desserts

Over the weekend I watched one episode of Top Chef: Just Desserts, and it was pretty good. One thing I noticed that they need to change immediately: not enough boobies! When Gail Simmons appears on ANY television show, the producers need to put those knockers on display - front and center!! Why cover up perfection??

And then there is Seth (below). Wow. "Issues" just doesn't even begin to cover it. Seriously, this guy is a few clowns short of a circus, and about as focused as a fart in a hurricane. But you know the producers will keep him around as long as possible - just to see if he kills anyone/himself.

During the episode I spent most of my time cringing while watching Seth teach a Master Class in Insanity, so I didn't really get to know any of the other Dessertestants. But I did notice that Yigit (below) was pretty adorable...

Who else has watched TCJD? Did you likee/no likee? In which episode do you think Seth will take a hostage?? Feel free to discuss in the comments.



Kwana said...

I watched and I totally agree with you on Seth. The other chefs are made of fairy dust and sugarplums and he's half Hung and the devil. Scary combo. I think either this week or the next he may lose it. Poor Gail. She may need to wear armor around Seth.
Fun show.

the dogs' mother said...

We think it is a good idea that pastry chefs probably don't have knives... And yes, we noticed the lack of display on Gail's part and were concerned for your reaction!

Bob said...

I didn't get the Yigit Is Adroable memo, until The Seth Show episode, then I was like, "Hellooooooooooo!"
And I agree, until he mousses a contestant, Seth will be around so we can Watch What Happens.

Dan said...

Batshit Crazy that Seth is!
As I said to Froggy, who knew pastry chefs were so dramatic? Yigit is the new love of my life, so bitches better step back!

Tom A. said...

He seems fake crazy to me. Like he knows that if he's really crazy the producers wil keep him aorund. One moment he's having a nervous breakdown, and then he's totally fine?

Tom A. said...

I'm pretty sure he's fake crazy just to stay around longer.

Wonder Man said...

It's a cute show. I try to catch it

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I think Idget is adorable and I saw him first so therefor he is mine- hands off, bitch! As for Seth- does anyone have some lighter fluid and a match? Put him out of our misery!

"The red hots are for my mommmm-meeeee!" Oye!

Anonymous said...

Ehh, there's nothing else on.
Seth is the Miles of TC Desserts. (Miles-Work of Art - I think I'm the only one who watched that one).

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