Friday, September 3, 2010

Tonight: I Support "The Arts"

The actions of each dancer were scrutinized with great care and any little mistake noted and remembered. The strain upon a dancer was consequently so great that when a fine dancer died soon after a feast it was said, "The peoples' looks have killed him." 

... Merle Colby, A Guide to Alaska: Last American Frontier (1941). On Tlingit feasts.

Yes BunnyNation, tonight you can find me belatedly celebrating my birfday by supporting the local "dance community" HERE.  If you would like to see a messy Blogger making a fool of himself, show up tonight after midnight and watch the magic happen.


Wonder Man said...

I'll support them too

Lee said...

One is hawt. And 3 looks like he could use some help supporting himself. :)

Mistress Maddie said...

Honey, if I wasn't knee deep with the boys this weekend, I'd be MORE than happy to go to the Urges with you!!!!! Give them all my best, and a few gropes for me from the Mistress would you hon?


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