Saturday, January 29, 2011

DavidDust's Ultimate Favorite Things

Like Oprah, I too have some favorite things...

My Favorite Store

My Favorite Casino Deal

My Favorite Park

My Favorite Institution of Higher Learning (I earned an "A+", btw)

My Favorite Bread

My Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage



Mark, née Fuzz said...

How do we get tickets for the big giveaway show? You do hand out your favorite things to your audience just like the big O, right?

Joy said...

What an excellent list!! Your audience goes wild!

Sam said...

Hopefully you will make this a yearly thing. I'm so surprised the big O hasn't come for you yet.
XOXO. So how was my Birthday bash at Urges last night?

AGB said...

FTFO! ha, ha,ha....

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