Sunday, January 30, 2011

Who Is This Man ???

I have seen this guy's photos around the Internet for a couple weeks and haven't been able to find out his name. So I throw this out to the highly intelligent and extremely knowledgeable DustBunnyNation: WHO IS HE??? Seriously - this man is stalking material and I need a new stalkee in my life ...



Robert Kent said...

That is a whole lot of yum, I can barely type. Don't know his name but I am sure he will answer to hubbie.

Dwight Supremacy said...

Oh, you found my modeling pics! LOL. I wish! Dayummmm! Sexy.

behrmark said...

His name is OH MY GOD.

VtBear said...

Check Nasty Pig on Facebook. He has a lot of pics modeling their stuff. I think he's named there but not positive

VtBear said...

Check Nasty Pig on Facebook. He's in their pics modeling their clothes. I think he's named but not positive

HTC TOUCH said...

DAVID!!! i had NO clue you had posted this beautiful man before me! here i thought I discovered him hahah! he is sooooooooo fucking fine its crazy.... I just want to ...well ya know! His name is jennessy from I know... if I get more Ill share it with you!

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