Friday, February 18, 2011

Rep. Jackie Speier - "I Lost A Baby"

This, ladies and gentlequeens, is what's known in some circles as "reading for filth". From Towleroad:
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) delivered an emotional and personal rebuttal during a debate over abortion last night. 
The WaPo reports: "The debate was over GOP Rep. Mike Pence's drive to defund Planned Parenthood. Speier's outburst was triggered by GOP Rep. Chris Smith, who had read aloud graphic descriptions of abortion from a book only moments before."

Please watch her response:


designing wally said...

Go Jackie, Go...

Beth said...

I watched this a few moments ago. Very powerful. Unfortunately, the stupid bill passed. Ugh. I think it will be dead in the water in the Senate, though.

Dan said...

love her

Joy said...

I think we're getting ready to have another 60's protest against all this oppressive crap. At least I hope so. Go activism!!!

Wonder Man said...


Miss Ginger Grant said...

She is my new hero!!

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