Monday, February 21, 2011

Work It, Girlfriend

It seems that a certain gay rugby icon is going to a certain royal wedding and is in need of a "church hat".

I absolutely love the fact that Gareth Thomas gets all "Sassy Gay" on Twitter - joking about hats and calling another male "girlfriend". Of course when you're 6'3" tall and weigh 220 lbs, you can pretty much do any damn thing you want.

h/t to Towleroad



the dogs' mother said...

We were in England just before Charles and Di got married. I feel OLD! Got up at 2am in the morning to watch it live when we were back in the US.

behrmark said...

I was in England when they were preparing St. George's chapel for Edward and Sophie, which I was able to catch on TV. As for Gareth...he can do me any time.

nitrox11 said...

Hey bitches. I'm in England now and Gareth IS doing me.

Ok, only some of that is true...

designing wally said...

Looks like Gareth has been rummaging through the Queen-mum's donation trunk......
But then....
Haven't we all???

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