Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hawt Men - Not-So-Hawt "Fashion"

Dear Christopher: Cher called, and she'd like her
"If I Could Turn Back Time" outfit back 

What Robin Hood would wear if he went to The Black Party 

Captain Cavemaaaaaaaaannn!! 

Luciano serving up "Renaissance Circus" realness. Werk

Looks like his mother sewed this herself -
and I dare you to say that to his face. 

Ride 'Em "Cowboy"???? 

Miguel Iglesias stars in the blockbuster smash
Gay Lifeguards In Space!


designing wally said...

I just can't get sweet when I'm so busy laughing....
And I don't care how "All That" you are.

Oh, and...
Could I have my lime green top back now?
Bingo must be over by now...

Marker said...

Gay Lifeguards in Space - perfect!

Sassy said...

I almost spit my tea on the keyboard at that Captain Cavenman comment.

You always crack me up. ;)

Damien said...

OMG - these are FANTASTIC!!!



JiEL said...

As some says:" Every TASTE are in NATURE"
Better in French:" Tous les GOÛTS sont dans la nature.."
BUT those outfits are YERKY !

Seems the more the «stylists» try to be «ORIGINAL», the more TASTLESS the results are...

Love your comments though.

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