Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Spotted A Sewer Alligator!

West Village, NYC

I noticed something peculiar when I went to CVS a few minutes ago - and stopped to snap a picture (above).

When I got back to my office, I got on The Google to see WTF?? From EW.com:
To market season 2 of the series Swamp People, [The] History [Channel] is putting alligators in New York City sewers. Playing off the urban legend, the network’s marketing team is placing very realistic looking model alligators crawling out of the city’s manholes in various locations.

Location: Unknown (via Twitter)

And, of course, I didn't see ONE New Yorker stop and take a second look - everyone just kept on moving.



the dogs' mother said...

Well, of course they did...

btw - latest tweet from BronxZooCobra is that he is on the top of the Empire State building. Snakes From The Sky.

Anonymous said...

Ummm....you are one NYr.

David Dust said...

Sean -

Ummm - don't you know I have a policy about comments that start with "Ummm"?? I'll let it slide, this time.


David Dust said...

... and, actually, I'm more like TWO New Yorkers these days. Damn weight gain...

Anonymous said...

Ummm...no I didn't but you can be sure I've learned my lesson.

David Dust said...

Dearest Dustbunny Sean -

Ummm - OK, that time you made me laugh. But that's it.


BosGuy said...

I would have had a freakin' stroke.

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