Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I've Lost 15 lbs!

Seeing a Nutritionist (and a Therapist) seems to be working: I've lost 15 pounds since Thanksgiving! I've cut out fast food completely from my diet, I'm cooking and exercising more, and I'm learning that stuffing my face with garbage doesn't solve any of my problems - it just makes them worse.

Yay me!



the dogs' mother said...

Yeah you, indeed!!! Good going!

Fluffycat said...

Congrats! What a great accomplishment.

Jackeroo said...

Well done .. soon you'll walk past a KFC or a MaccyD & the smell will make you feel sick & wondering how you ever ate that stuff

Lee said...

Congratulations! You're on the right track. And it's exactly like Jackeroo says, after enough de-toxifying time, you start to wonder how you ever ate all that crap in the first place.

Beth said...

That's fantastic, David! Keep up the amazing work! XOXO

Uncy Carl said...

Awesome! So very proud and envious of your willpower and dedication.


Big Mark 243 said...

For real that is awesome David!!

Mistress Maddie said...

Here, here!!!!!!!

LittleKarnak said...

Good Job!!! Can't wait to hear the next update. And I took your suggestion on the seltzer water/grapefruit juice combo...not bad!!!!

Wonder Man said...

This is great to hear, keep it up

Robert Kent said...

Keep up the good work David :-)

dancinmachine said...

Yay, yay, yay you!! Excellent!

dancinmachine said...

Yay, yay, yay you!! Excellent!

Tivo Mom said...

Yeah friend!!!! I am so proud of you (and a little jealous). So great! Keep up the good work....

Ken Riches said...


insomnia said...


mrs.missalaineus said...

i don't know how i missed this- you are FABULOUS!!!!!!


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