Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh My Aching Head...

Went back to Boots and Saddle last night. The good news? I think I've found a new home-away-from-home. The other good news? Francisco was there. The bad news? I pretty much drank a whole keg of $3.00 Pabst Blue Ribbons.

Needless to say, your Auntie Mame is hung...


Mark, née Fuzz said...

Pabst Blue Ribbon! Oh you big, old Hipster, you.

mrs.missalaineus said...

feel better and drink lotsa water!


Joy said...

Your Auntie Flame might have to organize an intervention! LOL! Well, we know how that would go.

Ken Riches said...

Glad you found a reasonable place to hang!

Tivo Mom said...

not to rag on your PBR but better beer = less headache...just sayin! Glad you found a home away from home though.

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