Monday, November 17, 2008

Odds - N - Ends

Here are some random tidbits from BunnyNation (I really LIKE that term!):

Thanks to Princeld for some more pics from the NYC rally (below):

But the BEST thing he sent me was this little tidbit:

I went with MY Partner of 7 years and one of my bests friends and spent the time straining to hear what the speakers were saying and scanning the crowd for hotties while i wished i would've made the sign i wanted to would have read "Let us marry so I can divorce this bitch!" cuz i hate when i threaten my partner with divorce and he just laughs and says u cant divorce me cuz we ain't married.

THAT sign would have been fierce. Thanks for the LOL, Princeld!

Congratulations to Dust Bunny Renee - she has lost her first 10 pounds by following the Weight Watchers plan. She started shortly after I did, and we've been trying to keep each other motivated. GREAT JOB Renee!!

Finally, please wish a Happy (belated) Birthday to our friend, The Minx! And check out her foodie blog, MinxEats HERE for her excellent Top Chef recaps and other tasty goodies.


kayce. said...

thanks for the minx eats intro, david!!! as soon as i saw her post on the suckfest that is FN, i was hooked, LOL.

Romance said...

Hiya Bunny

Just quick drive by to say hello. I just rolled in the door from work, thought I would visit my fave bunny, while drinking a nasty Malbec that was really overpriced - so bad, I am thinking about tracking down a bottle of zin...

I hate the h8. Its just plain stupid.

I am personally blessed to be loved and surrounded by many, many amazing gay couples (well, and some singletons) who should have every single right and privilege I have.

I feel the same for my trans friends and colleagues. I just don't get why anyone would ever oppose the rights of another human for any reason - sexual orientation, gender identity, race, income, age, weight, ability, etc.

OK, I am writing a blog entry here.

Love you and know I am an ally in this struggle.

Angel said...

Good Morning Tranny! I am loving all these signs....some people are so creative!

Renee said...

Awww. I love the Dad in the first pix. :-)

Happy Birthday Minx!

Thanks for the shout out David.

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