Sunday, December 7, 2008

Awkward Checkout...


Anonymous said...

They say sexual frustration is the mother of invention...

Renee said...


Anonymous said...

Very cute! :)

Marker said...

ha! that's great

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oh whaaaaaat!

Jimmy said...

Just another Sunday evening at home.

Wonder Man said...

very awkward

Kevin said...

That's just wronf

Unknown said...

what's so awkward? it's not like it's a big cucumber or a dildo... :-)

Anonymous said...

In high school, I worked as a cashier at a grocery store. At 11:00pm on Valentine's Day one year, a man came through my line with three items - a dozen roses, a bottle of lube, and a beefsteak.

Um, yeah. LOL!

Angel said...


Mark in DE said...

OMG, that is SOOOOOO funny!

Mark :-)

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