Friday, December 26, 2008

Mama And Brother Bunny

We celebrated Christmas Day at my brother's house - and here is a picture of Mama Bunny and Brother Bunny. Yes, that is a tattoo on Dan's arm - he has many.

It was a wonderful day - with four little girls (sort of my nieces - it's a long story) between the ages of 2 and 7 years-old there with us. The girls are tons of fun, and they just LOVE to play with "Uncle David" - but after just a couple of hours I was exhausted. I truly have no idea how you parents out there do it 24/7.


kayce. said...

awww...! it's good to hear that you had such a good holiday!!! merry (belated) christmas david and the bunnies!

the dogs' mother said...

Because they have moments of Uncle Davids to share the load.

Wonder Man said...

sounds like you are having a great holiday

Marker said...

Oooh - brother bunny is a redhead. Hrmmmmm . . .

Angel said...


you look alot like Mama and Brother Bunny! So explain the "long story"...we all wanna know...we're nosey like that!

And did ya'll play that trivial pursuit game???


Anonymous said...

Mama Bunny is adorable! I'm so glad you had a good Christmas. And parents learn to tune it out after a while.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the first picture I have seen of your Mom ( with the witty guest posts/comments)'s nice to have an image in my mind since we all refer to her so much. I agree with Frogponder...I'll bet you're a neat uncle to have around.

Mark in DE said...

Like you, I also enjoyed spending time with the niece and nephews during Christmas, but have NO IDEA how parents can stand having kids around all the time. I'd have to kill them at some point to save myself.

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