Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sports Can Be SO Gay...


Wonder Man said...

it's very gay...I think it's a way some of the players can release their secret desires

Unknown said...

someone has to entertain the STRAIGHT men...

Marker said...

Wonder Man is right.


It's no secret that I want the daddy in the last pic (blue sweats - the "top") to have his way with me.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Honey- Mr. Blue Pants can rub my bum anytime!

Unknown said...

damn, i play sports with str8 boys, but i can't touch them like that -- except for a hug here and there.

it's very frustrating...

Anonymous said...

I have always been surprised at the liberties straights have taken with me but wouldn't understand the same gestures from me.Is it a language barrier?

Mark in DE said...

As soon as 'gay' stops being such a big deal no one will care.

Kailyn said...

Reminds me of tales from my cousin's dad. He played football and used to talk about the guys in the closet.

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