Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Last Meal In Pennsylvania...

The Hamilton is an institution in my hometown of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. It has been around forever - in fact, my Dad used to come here for lunch when he went to Carlisle High School. Many, many years later - The Hamilton is still going strong. Mama Bunny and I stopped here for lunch before she took me to the train station yesterday.

The Hamilton's most popular and famous dish isn't on the menu - it's called a Hotchie Dog. It is a grilled hot dog with tons of onions, mustard, a slice of American cheese, and a special chili sauce. OMG - they are delish. I got two (no mustard) and ate 1/3rd of one before I remembered to take the picture. I also got French fries with gravy (my Dad's fave), since they were out of onion rings.

As we say in Central Pennsylvania - NOW THAT'S SOME GOOD EATIN'! OK - now it's back to Weight Watchers...


Anonymous said...

Well I hope you went to the club car for some refreshment, or did you also have to report to work today? I didn't know you could get a train out that way..pretty neat. Love travelling by train.
Love the picture of the food...it drove me right to the kitchen, but probably their chili sauce David.

Angel said...

oh god that looks good! I LOVE freanch fries with gravy...or smothered in cheese sauce. lordy talk about calories!!!

But ya just gotta do it sometimes...now you can get back to WW. I am doing a colon cleanse this week. YUK. But I wanna see if they really do work...then it's on to better eating for me too!

love you tranny, love your hair! I was watching PR yesterday with Christian...oh how I love him!


Renee said...

That looks so good. Excuse me while I drool on your blog.......

Dan said...

OMG - That looks so damn yummy!
I loves me a good hot dog smothered in chili and cheese!

Anonymous said...

What a way to end the holidays! That looks YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

I so going to James Coney Island for lunch today!!! Yummy

Anonymous said...

looks great...hint: one is enough! portion control!!

Joy said...

I've never had french fries with gravy or anything but ketchup. That "gravy" looks like cheese sauce. Explain the gravy to me. Also I have to pass on the raw onions - allergic - but not to cooked ones. This sounds like a perfect "last meal" for you before you return to the Weight Watcher Wagon. Alas and sigh and swear! I'm having to climb back on, too. So sad we can't be hungry sloths, isn't it?

theminx said...

Ack - it's that neon-yellow turkey gravy! I don't there is any actual meat product in that stuff.


Mistress Maddie said...

Mame,I haven't been to the Hamilton in like- forever! That is definetly some good eatin! Next time were all home we need to go there and have a oink fest!

Mark in DE said...

How come we didn't see Hamilton's when we were looking for a place to eat in Carlisle? Maybe Hamilton's isn't near the fairgrounds. Those Hotchies look good!

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