Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Chillin' On The Couch


Unknown said...

#5 can redecorate my couch any time he would like. And it's that SU&D-Papi in the last pic?

Marker said...

#1's ass won't quit!!

And that last pic . . . so hot.

behrmark said...

I agree with Howard...what an adorable cub! Woof!

Anonymous said...

that twofer in the last pic...i hope that sofa has been scotchgarded.

David Dust said...

Howard -

You are oh so observant. Yes, that is Sexy Papi Michael Silas lounging with a buddy.


Jimbo said...

How many couches do you own, David?

Unknown said...

how does a man choose?

Anonymous said...

Yup you sure are getting into my loves...those slender guys. I need more wheaties.

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