Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Red Hot


kayce. said...

los numeros cinco y siete porfavor! :-)~

Bob said...

Speaking as someone who lives in a Red State, I've nevers een these boys in my neighborhood!
What's up with that?

Angel said...

can I have the one in the sunglasses pleeeeeeze???? you love me right? ;)

Wonder Man said...

Red is such a sinful color ;)

Unknown said...

Where can I buy me a box of those Red Hots? I wouldn't mind popping some of them into my mouth...

I think I am partial to #4 & #7.

Mark in DE said...

I never realized how sexy the color red was.

Anonymous said...

All these guys look good -- I'm def a fan of the papi in pic #5 (he's been featured before hasn't he D?) and #6's built body.

Unknown said...

daddy with the crew cut has such huge thighs that i think the pic is morphed...

Unknown said...

where can I get one of those...and the underwear too?

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