Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Television Cuties

I've noticed some (formerly unknown to me) hotties appearing on my TV screen during the last few weeks. One of them is Haaz Sleiman - who plays a gay muslim nurse on Nurse Jackie. Has anyone seen that show? I LOVE it, but then again I'd pay money to watch Edie Falco (below) alphabetize her spice rack: "Allspice ... Basil ... Bay Leaf ... Cardamom ... ".

Yet another season of The Real World has begun (In Roman Numerals, this is Season XXVIIXXCCVIIXCCV), and this time they're in Cancun. And YES, there is the requisite Gay - and he's a cute New Mexico native named Derek Chavez...

I saw former Daddy of the Day Alex Castro on the History Channel playing Hannibal (the military dude from Carthage - NOT Hannibal Lector). All Alex had to do was look stern and flex his muscles ... so naturally he was PERFECT for the part...

I recently noticed cutie Douglas Spain playing the role of "Raul Arias" on one of my favorite shows, CSI Miami. Once I saw him I just had to fire up The Google and find out more...

I dont watch So You Think You Can Dance that much, but I was sad to see cutie Jonathan Platero get sent home...

And, finally, it looks like television hottie Anderson Cooper has found a great big giant hunk of gorgeousness to go "bike-riding" with. Get it, Girl!


Tom A. said...

That bike is not ALL Anderson's riding!

Bob said...

Anderson is stepping out on me!

::::stomps out in a huff:::::

Anonymous said...

got a couple shows on DirectTv of Edie and thought she was very good in this role. Sorry i can't get the series. Later from netflix I guess.
I think Anderson is cheating on his mother, eh?

Eric Arvin said...

Love Nurse Jackie!

mikeinbama said...

That Jonathan Platero is too cute for words. I had to watch one of his routines from the show. This one is amazing:

David Dust said...

Mike - thanks for that. He IS adorable.


Joy said...

I don't subscribe to Showtime so I can't see Nurse Jackie but love Edie Falco and wish I could!

C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said...

Ahem... Andy, as I cyclist, I say this with love:

What the HELL are you doing with a mountain bike in NYC? Sure, maybe you want to butch it up a bit with the knobby tires, but come ON!

Get some slicks on that bike, you'll ride faster!

P.S. You in wet lycra spandex wouldn't be bad either. Become a roadie - it works for Jakey Gyllenhall....

mermayd said...

Nurse Jackie is great!! Love it! Haaz Sleiman is definetly to drool over

Mark in DE said...

If you like Haaz Sleiman (a former Crush du Jour), you should rent "The Visitor". He is wonderful (and sexy) in it.

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