Sunday, August 30, 2009

Guess Who Was "Dancing" at 'The Urges' Last Night?...

One of my favorite Papi Hunks EVER ... Rafael Leonidas!! He was extremely gorgeous and very sweet. When Rafael made his way over to us, I drunkenly introduced myself and gave him a DavidDust business card - and then I think I gushed some nonsense about being one of his "biggest fans"! OMG - I am SUCH a dork.

I also slipped quite a few dollar bills into Rafael's g-string...

Check out my last Rafael Leonidas post HERE. And you can visit Rafael's MySpace page HERE.


Angel said...

ok, this is so unfair....forst, I can't be there and thenyou see THIS beautiful man???!!! Damn! What a night to be at "The urges"!!!

I love you all and miss ya'll so much...


Joy said...

Hope he keeps your card and checks out your blog.

Anonymous said...

The bright side....what you saved at Arby's you were able to give to the gorgeous papi....and no calories either.

Sounds like you had a great time!

LB anon

AGB said...

LOL! You got a man crush bad!!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

and apparently he's shaking it at Club 20 on Sunday's.

Dan said...

Did security have to drag you away?

Mark in DE said...

You're not a dork. You were simply being personally generous!

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