Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Top Chef Masters - Tonight

Remember darlings - Top Chef Masters airs tonight on Bravo at 10pm EST. To see some preview videos, go HERE.

Tonight is the night the producers throw Season 5 Cheftestant Dale Talde an extra $20 to create some drama, so he yells at Chef Michael Chiarello...


Joy said...

I hope Michael puts Douchy Dale in his place. Yes, I said it! I did!

Stephen said...

I am addicted to this show & it is your fault. I had passed it up & then your re-caps made it sound interesting... so I had to go back & watch reruns to catch up. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the explicit reminder. I get so mixed up with all these shows and run through so many reruns getting to the current one, I sometimes give up.
I guess I can expect no Art...but at this moment I am about to turn it on. It's 9:59

Joy said...

I hope Hubert wins. If he doesn't, then Rick.

Kailyn said...

Apparently Joy and I share a brain as far as this is concerned. I really could care less about personalities on this show. It's all about the food. And Hubert is a god in this area. I am still pissed that I missed the food event last Saturday at which he -- and Michael Chiarello --appeared.

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