Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hottie Hall of Fame - Rafael Leonidas

Around here, straight hunk Rafael Leonidas is one of our most favoritest guys EVAH. So I was thrilled when loyal reader Elva sent me these first 3 pics - saying that Rafael and the photographer (her friend) had no problem with me posting them. Ya see, Elva knows what I likee ... and I really likee Rafael...

Please check out Rafael's official MySpace page HERE. Also, while doing research for this post, I noticed that Rafael has started his own fitness website - RLX Fitness.

Obviously, his fitness plan works. Check out Rafael's before and after pics ...

Thanks again to Elva for keeping in touch. And thank you Rafael Leonidas for making my blog just that much hotter. To see my previous Rafael post, please go HERE.


Wonder Man said...

so much hotter

Mark in DE said...

"research for this post" - pardon my laughter! ;-) He is a hottie forealz.

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