Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Apocalypse Is Just Not That Into You


the dogs' mother said...

Gotta like that Apocalypse!

Eric Arvin said...

Gawd! The Apocalypse is such a bitch.

Beth said...

This definitely got an LOL from me! XOXO

mrs.missalaineus said...

lovin' this!


Anonymous said...

I am always scared out of my wits when I meet someone who is totally unimpressed with anything I say or do. Coming to terms with the fact that nothing I could ever say or do would move them in the least, scares me even more.
This little message may be humorous, but it reminds me of terrible times..like being mugged in NYC once and I knew I could expect no mercy from my attackers and I had to act in desperation
It really is scary stuff.

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