Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Praise Jeebus!

Get down on your knees and pray.


Cliff O'Neill said...

Don't know if this is the one we saw, but during a cruise to Alaska (I think it was in Juneau) where we saw this same sign, again on a ministry homeless thingamabob.

Naturally, all the homos from our gay cruise were all over taking pictures of the sign.

behrmark said...

ROFLMFAO!! That is too too funny. And a bit creepy.

Behr Hugs!

Beth said...

Today is Blasphemy Day, and I see you've got it covered! :) XOXO Beth

Joy said...

Those evangelicals know how to choose names! Teabagging and this church! LOL

mrs.missalaineus said...

you'd think they would hire some non-religious person to research this shit before they put it up and embarrass themsevles...

happy thursday!


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I thought that one would catch your eye!

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