Saturday, September 26, 2009

PAPIveillance - Now With MORE BEEF!

I've told you before about my blogger buddy Dwight Supremacy (he's the current Featured Dust Bunny Blogger - see sidebar). Dwight started doing his "SIRveillance" posts this past year (taking sneaky pics of hot guys on the street), and then I took his idea and made it my own with PAPIveillance.

When I walked through Manhattan on Thursday I did a little PAPIveillance. I stood at the corner of 14th Street and 8th Avenue (for less than two minutes, I might add) and these big and beefy Papis walked past me...

The last guy looked like an NFL Linebacker, and was having trouble fitting everything into his jeans. Drool...

Check out a past PAPIveillance post HERE.


Wonder Man said...

yeah, the last guy is hot and the one above him

Angel said...

oh man...I love these. how much fun is THAT to do???!!


Dwight Supremacy said...

OH MAN! I wanna be Mrs. Last Guy! LOL.

Aminah K. ♠♣♥♦ said...

OMG I'm so gonna do that one day!!! hehe

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