Friday, September 25, 2009

"Celebrity" Fit Club - Season 7

The next Celebrity Fit Club on VH1 sounds like a delicious train wreck waiting to happen. Bobby Brown, K-Fed (with Baby Mama #1), and Project Runway Season One winner Jay McCarroll are scheduled to appear on the show - which will air in early 2010. Read more HERE.

Can you imagine the conversations between Jay and Bobby Brown?!? Bobby!!! Bobbaaaaayyy!!!


Angel said...

THIS one might actually be entertaining!


Big Mark 243 said...

I am with Beth! I will have to check out some of the episodes!!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Jay be designing? Does he really have time for this or has his career in fashion already come to an end?

Mistress Maddie said...

I'll pass on this one for sure. Of cousre girl, you know I can't STAND reality tv. It's just getting worse with these losers.

Anonymous said...

I still think Jay is the most original person, authentic rebel,clever, independent thinker and funniest designer ever on PR. He is one of a kind and I think his idea of success may be different than traditional perceptions. If I can remember, I may tune in just to get a little
"Jay Fix".

LB anon

Wonder Man said...

it's going to be good

Joy said...

Is this the show Ross the Intern lost weight on?

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