Monday, September 7, 2009

Back To School

The first day of classes for New York City Public School students is Wednesday. The city streets are so much quieter in the mornings when school is not in session, so I'll have to get used to the usual school-year mayhem again ...


Anonymous said...


Are these representative "students" these days? Because if they are you can be sure I'm re-enrolling! Love your fantastic blog.

Eric Arvin said...

The thighs on that first fella are eye-popping!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I want to go to their school!

Angel said...

ahhh, don't ya just love school supplies Tranny?

I gotta call you, I really need to talk to you. Do you have a charger yet?


Chucho Perusquía said...

haha I imagine those guys looking at themselves and yelling something like "HEY FELLAS! WE BOUGHT THE SAME NOTEBOOK!! hi5!" jajaja
Sexy dumbs...

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